The Most Enormous free Upgrade has brought new challenges and Sport Styles to Curse of the Dead Gods on Steam.
- Old Nightmare
- The Cursed Marksman
- Mad Temple
- Bullet Hell
- The Darkest Explorer
- Fire Purge
- For Blood and Gold
- Game of Departure
- Cursed Temple Update
- Trapped Chests
- Deadly Obsession
- Dark Fervor
- Sincere Offerings
- Blurred Vision
- Sulfurous Barrels
- Bloodlust
- Dancing Flames
- Creeping Gloom
- Torch of Sorrow
Curse of the Dead Gods is currently accessible Historical accessibility on Steam. The sport is in development for consoles. Check back here for updates! © Focus Home Interactive There are eight Eternal Curse game manners. We have listed them below. The Cursed Temple upgrade introduces Eternal Curse match styles to Curse of the Dead Gods. All these game modes comprise gameplay modifiers that are exceptional and challenges to keep gamers on their feet. Modifiers include speed fans, damage nerves, and even a retro show. These modes include their share of caveats.
New Cursed Weapons:
Fulmination, Death’s Rampart: Parrying reflects projectiles
Annihilation, Bow of Madness: Perfect Shots burst impact at a Dark burst, dealing damage to ALL characters across
New Frequent Weapon:
LeMat Grape Shot Revolver: Perfect Shots deal damage to all targets in a cone behind the effect
New Cursed Relics:
Accursed’s Codex: +50percent to most weapons’ base harm, +50percent to most damage taken
Glyph of Darkness: Level +1 on Cursed firearms
Ten fresh Curses are added to variant of the Dead Gods also, that you’ll find listed under. The Cursed Temple upgrade has a ton of alterations that are technological and bug fixes. You may review the whole list of changes to the Cursed Temple Patch Notes. As stated by the Curse of the Dead Gods roadmap, a bestiary, international stat tracker, and much more Curses continue to be along the road. The programmers have many updates planned for its long run: the Serpent Catacombs updates along with the Summer at the Temple upgrade. Action rogue-lite Curse of the Dead Gods has obtained its first major upgrade while at Early accessibility . Adds the game, together with numerous bug fixes and Curses new game modes, weapons, and relics. Relics and A number of new uncharted weapons are now also. Here’s a Fast Summary of every new addition, according to the patch notes: