Subscribers to PlayStation Plus may experience issues accessing previous free games due to an unexpected error message.
One PlayStation Plus subscriber recently discovered an alarming error – many essential tier games downloaded appear to have vanished without explanation! It’s definitely cause for alarm!
Now, PlayStation Plus subscribers have received their essential tier offerings – though perhaps slightly underwhelming this time around, something may catch your eye this month! Available games this time include Mafia II: Definitive Edition, Dragon Ball: The Breakers and Aliens Fireteam Elite. Personally I plan on picking up Mafia II which was tried briefly before being quickly put back down after I kept crashing into pedestrians leading to endless police chases with no chance to escape and much frustration on my part – I can guarantee another subscriber may now read this and be thinking that my frustration pales by comparison!
Reddit user J4M35M1TH took to Reddit with their concern over PlayStation Plus essential game claims from years gone by; many had disappeared since. Three months ago I purchased my PS5, so today was time for me to see if any were left from previous essential titles given out… I only have about 100 out of 2000+; everything else seems gone.” As many will know by now, essential tier titles become yours once downloaded if desired.
No one seems able to figure it out! One user suggested restoring licenses with the OP reporting he gained back a couple of games after doing this; however, many still remain missing from his library. Another user advised checking hidden games of your library while still others suggested searching them on store for availability so as to download again if available.
OP updated commenters that they were in the midst of contacting PlayStation Plus support to obtain some peace. So far it appears this may only be an isolated instance and should offer subscribers some comfort as we all hope our precious games won’t go missing in an instance like this one! Hopefully they find them soon enough!