Subnautica for Android & IOS Free Download
Subnautica is an underwater adventure for co-op and single-player. Subnautica Pirate is a free online play with friends. Online players can play together to follow the story. It is an ocean survivalist game. Immerse yourself into the water to meet the creatures who live at the bottom of the ocean. The game is built on mechanics such as controlling the thirst, hunger, and oxygen levels, maintaining your hero’s level of health, etc.
To travel underwater, you will need either a scuba or bathyscaphe. In the multiplayer mode, partners can interact with each other by exchanging items and sharing oxygen tanks. Participants will have to build special vehicles and tools to progress. Subnautica offers a wide range of crafting options. A special tool called the Maker is required to create any item. The missing parts for crafting are indicated by the blueprints found.
You can use the scanner to search for wreckage from the Aurora. Multiplayer lets partners explore abandoned bases with each other. Scan underwater animals, artifacts, and much more. Three different types of transportation are available to help you reach great depths. The Builder Tool allows you to create your base.
Shadowlands is made up of multiple rooms, including a multipurpose room with a transparent observatory and auxiliary corridors. Residents of the depths can attack heroes. The Submarine Cyclops can be used as a portable shelter. You can explore three abandoned bases during your walkthrough.
Subnautica for Android & IOS Free Download