Final Fantasy XIV’s 58th Live Trap from the manufacturer officially announced the forthcoming Patch 5.3: Reflections in Crystal. The patch contains a trial, adds a raid in the YoRHA: Dark collection, also proceeds the Shadowbringers narrative. Included in this A Realm Reborn Revamp, flying will probably become accessible ARR zones, and also the post-2.0 major Scenario Quests are streamlined.
To kick off the 2-hour webcast, FFXIV’s Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida and Global Community Producer Toshio”Foxclon” Murouchi moved to great detail concerning the flaws the development group is confronting in finishing the content. As being a barrier they mentioned the civilization of firms . The development group has changed to working from home within the past two weeks, making analyzing patch material harder.
Thus far, this transition has generated about a month’s delay for Patch 5.3, also Yoshi-P anticipates another couple months of delay since they finish the last period of patch growth. A launch date for Patch 5.3 hasn’t yet been declared yet.
We do understand it will have a lot of material that we have learned to expect from a patch Though we do not yet know when the patch is forthcoming.
Main Scenario Quests
The ending of the Shadowbringers narrative occurs at Patch 5.3. The most important Scenario will incorporate Extreme and Regular variants of a trial. Yoshi-P states it is unlikely the community will suspect that the boss will be while details were obscure.
YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse Chapter 2
The 2nd raid at the Nier series will be titled The Puppet’s Bunker. This Alliance Raid continues the narrative launched in Patch 5.1’s The Copied Factory.
New Dungeon: The Heroes’ Gauntlet
The dungeon is going to be a part of the scenario. The topiaries seem Mheg, although during the webcast, Yoshi-P suggested this occurs at Lakeland. We ought to expect screenshots of this dungeon from the Patch 5.3 trailer.
New Beast Tribe
The Dwarves are the newest Beast Tribe for Patch 5.3. This is Shadowbringers’ crafting tribe, so similar to the Namazu as well as the Moogles prior to them.
New Instanced Battle Encounter
Werlyt questline that gave us Ruby Weapon’s Sorrow proceeds in a brand new struggle experience that is instanced. This monster does seem blue–possibly Sapphire.
A Realm Reborn Revamp
13 percent of those quests involving Patch 2.0 and 2.5 are eliminated, and the ones that remain are simplified. Therefore, the time players hit Heavensward experience gains are buffed, they will be flat 60. Most people who stopped the match when leveling dropped during 2.1 contents, therefore this change was made to aid new players advance through what was formerly a 100-quest slog.
Flying will now be accessible ARR zones. Players Will Have to finish the ARR Main Scenario Quest up into the conclusion of Ultima so as to unlock it.
Unreal Trials and Faux Hollows
Unreal Trials are an entirely new idea. A corrected variant of trials will likely be released, with mechanics. Patch 5.3 will incorporate an Unreal difficulty Akh Afah Ampitheatre. Because it is pertinent to the raid tier the development team picked Shiva. Later on, players may expect two, or maybe you. Each battle is only going to be accessible for a limited time. Completing Unreal Trials lets you play the Faux Hollows minigame for rewards that are new, but it is not clear exactly what the minigame involves.
Ishgardian Restoration Upgrades
This Ishgardian Restoration’s next stage will occur, getting players to rebuilding the Firmament, one step closer. This may kick off a brand new season of Skybuilder Rankings, which provides accomplishments and titles for gatherers and crafters.
Resistance Weapons Update
The rescue the Queen questline is going to be upgraded, allowing gamers to upgrade their Resistance Weapons. Yoshi-P has been careful to say that this isn’t Eureka Part 2, but it’ll be an instanced zone.
Skysteel Tool Upgrades
Crafters and gatherers are going to have the ability to upgrade their Skysteel Tools into some greater thing level with additional analytics.
PvP Upgrades
Fans of Shatter and Seal Rock can Begin observing. Frontlines will incorporate all four PVP modes.
More information will be available from the upcoming Letter.