There are two kinds of people: people who prefer Saints Row two and those that prefer Saints Row The Third (also known as Saints Row 3). Allow me to get this from the way in case you’re wondering. That is not to say I didn’t enjoy Saints Row The Third when it released in 2011, I did. Quite a bit, but I felt it leaned too far into science fiction and turned into, dare I say it, too over the top for me to enjoy it as much as Saints Row 2.
However, two years have passed and Deep Silver has seen fit to provide it that the remastered treatment and comprise all the DLC. So far as remasters go, it sure looks better; unfortunately little else has been improved. Read on to our Saints Row 3 Remastered review.
Right from the gate, I’ll say that if you absolutely loved Saints Row 3 the first time, you are going to love this remaster. It’s the exact same game, just with much better lighting and enhanced textures. The most noticeable distinction is when driving at night. With HDR enabled it seems fantastic. I did have to bump up the brightness a bit because without headlights (I jumped ) it was very difficult to see from the less populated regions of Stillwater.
Beyond that, however, it really does just seem like the same last-gen game, just in greater definition. If you’ve played that game, you understand just what to expect, character customization is back and it is equally as restricted (in comparison to Saints Row 2) as it was before. In Saints Row two, I was able to make a fair likeness of myself to put myself to the match. Back in Saints Row 3, the alternatives for things such as facial hair or even regular hair choices, feel less powerful — especially in the facial hair department. I am well aware that this can appear as a nit-pick and maybe it is but it is my nit to pick. If this doesn’t bother you, you can skip this review and proceed to buying.
If It Ain’t Completely Broke…
Structurally I really do think Saints Row 3 did improve in certain areas over its predecessor, especially in how assignments are chosen. As opposed to driving to a checkpoint somewhere on the map to accept and begin a mission, all of accessible assignments are accessible from your in-game phone. Just select the assignment from the respective mission giver and you’re all set. You can absolutely set off other assignments until you’ve leveled up a few and have better stats and weapons. As soon as you’ve finished a mission you get money and that cash could be spent on character updates, customizing your character, buying weapons and ammo or buying property. Purchasing property functions as it will in similar games, makes it possible to create revenue. The more expensive the house, the more money it will generate.
One of the odder choices Saints Row 3 left was on how you get round the map. Early on you’re driving but not long after you start the game you may take over a penthouse base with helipad at which you can then buy a flying automobile and skip driving nearly entirely save for missions that still require it. And later in the game, you get an ability that basically makes cars obsolete. Sureit makes it fun, but it also makes investing any in-game money on customizing cars pretty meaningless.
The gameplay hasn’t changed somewhat in this remaster and that also means it hasn’t aged well. It controls well enough but third-person shooting has come quite a way since 2011, therefore it could make left trigger planning, which is not always mandatory, feel clunkier than I’d have enjoyed.
The Sounds of Stillwater
Each one the audio remains unchanged as far as I could tell so the same tunes are from the game so in case you have a channel you adored in 2011, it is here for you in 2020. Another reason I favored Saints Row 2 was since I found the audio to be more to my liking with tunes from The Dillinger Escape Plan and Paramore — no such comparable songs exist at Saints Row 3, which I acknowledge is my thing and won’t really affect anyone’s enjoyment should the care about such things.
You will notice I haven’t actually touched on the narrative and that’s because I’ve always found the tales from the Saints Row games to be largely foforgettablend not at all what I come to the show for. Needless to say, the story is ridiculous, but mostly well-acted and presented. The comedy remains of the dick and fart joke assortment and for mepersonally, has always been mostly hit and miss.
At the conclusion of the afternoon, Saints Row that the Third Remastered changes very little other than give a bump upward in its own aesthetics so if you loved the game nine years ago you are likely to love it now, irrespective of anything I’ve said here. Unfortunately, time and distance haven’t made my issues with the original game go awawaynd playing it now made me realize just how much I think this franchise requires a massive upgrade for the impending Saints Row 5.
- An excellent looking remaster
- All of the extra outfits you might want
- Gameplay stays unchanged and dated but it’s still enjoyable
- All the music in the first game is kept
- Not as good as Saints Row two
- Customization is unbelievably restricted
- It’s not as funny as it thinks It’s
- No gameplay improvements