Woman Accuses Riot Games of Copying Her Appearance for League of Legends Seraphine Character
Blogger Stephanie wrote a lengthy article on her site yesterday, detailing the similarities between her and League of Legends’ newest celebrity winner, Seraphine. According to the article, she thinks that the personality is motivated by her likeness after a short relationship with a Riot Games employee. Riot promptly dismissed the claim, however, the similarity is striking.
Seraphine’s release sparked the fanbase throughout the plank, sparking debate regarding the similarities between her and Sona, an already published winner, in addition to the questionable integrity of Seraphine’s social networking existence . Controversy over Riot’s work culture is a reoccurring motif in the organization’s previous couple of decades, but it is still uncertain if this is a replica of the exact same older song-and-dance or an extremely unlucky event.
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On her website, Stephanie describes in detail the situation as she sees it. In ancient 2019, she entered a short relationship with a Riot worker she describes as”John” for the sake of anonymity; they just met in person double, maintaining the majority of their interactions on the internet through messaging and enjoying League of Legends together.
John stopped contact with her after three weeks, and a year afterwards, Seraphine popped up on Stephanie’s timeline. The surface-level similarities are evident — the title, the look, the drawings, the kitty — but it goes deeper than that. According to Stephanie, John alluded many occasions to manners where he can include her into the match itself during his relations. He said he needed her to voice act for a covert upcoming project, also implied that he had sway on K/DA, who took on Seraphine as their new member.
Riot denies any deliberate similarities between both, saying that”Seraphine was independently made by Riot Games and wasn’t predicated on any person. Furthermore, the prior worker [Stephanie] is speaking to left Riot over a year ago and has been at a department and character which doesn’t have any input into the design procedure.” Many mention that Jeevan Sidhu’s (among Seraphine’s designers) spouse Riot Whiskies as being the inspiration for its winner, as could be found through her latest cosplay.
Stephanie has come under a great deal of heat since submitting, and preempted the response many could have. “I have tried to think about each criticism or motive somebody could call me mad, but my reasons for thinking that this add up to the stage I do not mind if a couple of individuals are bad to me online,” she writes at the first article. She published another announcement on Twitter yesterdayresponding to both the vitriol thrown her manner in addition to the cosplay, reiterating that she does not believe Seraphine is”100% according to me.”
Without definitive evidence, it is not possible to say whether Seraphine is motivated in any capacity by Stephanie. The similarities are undeniable and many sufficient to throw doubt on it merely becoming a crazy coincidence, and Riot historically struggles with accusations of sexist work civilization .
Coincidence or not, it is apparent that she’s been negatively influenced by the entire situation. Stephanie writes with a great deal of compassion in her blog article, obviously having taken good care to broach the subject in a cautious way whilst at the same time keeping others from their inevitable fire to come. The narrative of League of Legends fans harassing people isn’t a fresh one, and also the first piece ought to be read in its entirety before leaping into any conclusions.