Rust Developers Adding New Features for OfflineTV Server
Facepunch Studios’ multiplayer survival game Rust Was thrust back in the limelight after OfflineTV produced a 50-player lobby filled with renowned streamers. But with 50 streamers all socializing, controversy has been bound to be awakened. The lobby was made on December 26. After almost a week, tensions boiled over, resulting in the statement that OfflineTV will be producing a brand new server with fewer gamers who are focused on roleplay. Currently, Twitch streamer Shroud has shown the new server will have a couple of unique features.
Shroud stated OfflineTV functions using Rust programmer Facepunch Studios to include Exceptional attributes for the upcoming Rust server. “I do not really want to spoil some of the new components they have, but they are working really closely together with Facepunch,” he explained. Shroud seems intent on not giving off any particular attributes but hints at what the attributes could entail. Shroud adds, “It is not going be RP. As much as people might think it’s going to be, it is not.”
RELATED: Twitch Streamer XQc Responds To Rust Stream Sniping Drama
At the center of this OfflineTV server, controversy is not one besides Canadian Twitch streamer xQc. The streamer’s playstyle has always been competitive, so he had been bound to butt heads at the Rust server. Though many of those additional streamers desired to like role-playing and find out the sport, xQc determined that his group would dominate the host simply by going on raids, shooting anybody in sight, and talking garbage. His foundation raids could have bothered other streamers, but many other activities apparently took it too much.
On many occasions, xQc has accused additional streamers of flow sniping. Along with a verbal altercation with Twitch streamer, Ash resulted in her getting death threats from xQc fans. YouTube streamer Valkyrie, an inventor of the lobby, even threatened to close down the OfflineTV host thanks to each the difficulties. This was sufficient for OfflineTV to produce the brand new host, which will start on January 7.
It appears Shroud accurately called the implosion of this very first Rust host at The start. During the first few days of this host, Shroud said that xQc would be why the server implodes because he’d attempt to kill and kill everybody, and that’s just what occurred.
While xQc has included some Excitement to the server with nonstop actions and skillful play, it Has caused some injury, particularly through the altercation with Ash. A Number of the streamers that love the PvP components may Follow the First host, however with Facepunch working on particular features for the Second host; streamers may combine the brand new one for all these new facets.