TOMB RAIDER ANNIVERSARY iOS Latest Version Free Download
APK Games

TOMB RAIDER ANNIVERSARY iOS Latest Version Free Download

TOMB RAIDER ANNIVERSARY iOS Latest Version Free Download

TOMB RAIDER ANNIVERSARY iOS Latest Version Free Download


1945: A nuclear explosion in New Mexico during Manhattan Project revealed a strange crystal structure that allowed a winged creature to escape and fly away. Lara Croft, our player, travels to Kolkata to meet Jacqueline Natla. Larson Conway was the reference. Jacqueline Natla wishes Lara to locate a piece of the Scion artifact, which is located in the Peruvian Mountains. Lara’s father has failed to locate the artifact, so Lara decided to agree with Jacqueline Natla.

Lara finds the Atlantean king Qualopec Tomb after reaching the Peruvian mountain ranges. According to the tomb’s history, he was one of the three Atlantean kings that ruled over Atlantis before it fell. Lara, our player, takes a piece from the three-part scion. She then notices movement in what appeared to be Qualopec’s statue before it collapses. Larson attacks Lara after a while, threatening to take the Scion piece. After you have beaten out Larson, you’ll discover that Natla sent Pierre Dupont (another archaeologist) to locate the next piece. Lara enters Natla’s office to find evidence that the next piece is in St. Francis Folly, Greece.






TOMB RAIDER ANNIVERSARY iOS Latest Version Free Download
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