Call of Duty: Vanguard Appears to Be Missing Highly Requested Feature
Call of DutyFans will be the first to have the chance to play vanguard: Call of DutyThis weekend, thanks to the PlayStation Alpha exclusive test. TheCall of Duty: VanguardAlpha will be available for play between August 27 and August 29, but fans can still pre-load it right now. Some users have already been able to download Alpha. Vanguard: Call of DutyWe have found some fascinating details about the game by looking at the settings in the Alpha’s menus.
CharlieIntel shared the following information: Call of Duty: Vanguard will feature Tactical Sprint, weapon mount and mantling. The game can run at 120Hz on PlayStation 5. This was the same as Call of Duty. These are good news for Call of Duty fans, but the settings revealed some potential problems with the game.
Fans may be disappointed to learn that Call of Duty Vanguard doesn’t have a FOV slider for consoles. While PC gamers have had the ability to use FOV sliders in Call of Duty: Vanguard, console users are not. The feature could be added between the Call of Duty Alpha launch and the actual game’s official launch. However, fans who want a FOV slider should not hold their breath.
Another thing that could worry fans is that all of Duty – Vanguard multiplayer mapsDoors will be available, it seems. Although it may sound odd, Modern Warfare: Call of DutySome in the community were unhappy with the doors because they interfered with the flow and discouraged camping. They are not expected to be as numerous as the others. Modern Warfare doorsFans should learn more about the film when they can get their hands on it.VanguardAlpha this weekend
Call of Duty: Vanguard uses doors because the Modern Warfare engine is used. While this particular feature of Modern Warfare multiplayer was not popular with all Call of Duty players, many Calls of Duty gamers are happy to see the game return to the MW engine. It’s too early to judge Call of Duty Vanguard‘s performance, but players can begin to form more informed opinions by playing the Alpha.