Borderlands 4’s Siren Powers Will Be One of Few
IfBorderlands 4Following the footsteps of its predecessors, players will be able to control four different Vault Hunters. There have been many characters to choose from, including robotic assassins, hunters, and turret-throwing troops. One thing is certain: each mainline has its own unique character.BorderlandsGame has had a different playable Siren.
The Borderlandsgame had Lilith. Its sequel gave players the ability to control Maya. Borderlands 3 allowed Amara to be played, continuing the trend of each Vault Hunter featuring a Siren. Gearbox may include two Sirens or none, but Borderlands 4 may have one. Gearbox has only a handful of options if this trend continues. Each playable Siren has had a different ability so far.
Borderlands’ current sirens limit the options.
Borderlands made it clear that six Sirens are allowed to exist in the universe at a time. This is an interesting bit of lore, which has led to many theories. However, it gives fans insight into the power that the player will likely not use in the next game. Lilith still holds the teleportation power of Phasewalk. Borderlands 3’s Director’s Cut confirms that she is still living. This is also true for Phasetrance. It belongs to the Borderlands character Amara.
Tennis holds the ability to control Phaseshift technology, which allows for it to become a reality. A Borderlandscharacter is currently the holder of Phaselock. There are two choices: Phaseleech or a new skill. The Calypso Twins have died, so the Phaseleech power will likely find a new home in Borderlands. Like Asha, a Siren from the comics who had the ability to control animals, it is unlikely that these stories can be considered canon. This means that there may be room for another Siren power.
IfBorderlands 4Following the footsteps of its predecessors, players will be able to control four different Vault Hunters. There have been many types of characters to choose from, including robotic assassins, hunters, and turret-throwing troops. One thing is certain: each mainline has its own unique character.BorderlandsGame has had a different playable Siren.
The Borderlandsgame had Lilith. Its sequel gave players the ability to control Maya. Borderlands 3 allowed Amara to be played, continuing the trend of each Vault Hunter featuring a Siren. Gearbox may include two Sirens or none, but it is possible that Borderlands 4 will have one. Gearbox has only a handful of options if this trend continues. Each playable Siren has had a different ability so far.
Borderlands’ current sirens limit the options.

Borderlands made it clear that six Sirens are allowed to exist in the universe at a time. This is an interesting bit of lore, which has led to many theories. However, it gives fans insight into the power that the player will likely not use in the next game. Lilith still holds the teleportation power of Phasewalk. Borderlands 3’s Director’s Cut confirms that she is still living. This is also true for Phasetrance. It belongs to the Borderlands character Amara.
Dennis holds the ability to control Phaseshift technology, which allows for it to become a reality. A Borderlandscharacter is currently the holder of Phaselock. There are two choices: Phaseleech or a new skill. The Calypso Twins have died, so the Phaseleech power is likely to find a new home in Borderlands. Similar to Asha, a Siren from the comics who had the ability to control animals, it is unlikely that these stories can be considered canon. This means that there may be room for another Siren power.