Call of Duty: Warzone Bans Another 100,000 Accounts
Security remains the main focus, despite the addition of new content to the series. Warzone: Call of Duty community. Call of Duty: Warzone was launched in March 2020 as an open-source game. Since then, hackers and cheaters have been relentlessly attacking the game. The problems have only gotten worse as hackers and cheaters continue to attack the online battle royale. This has led to many prominent names such as Nicki “NICKMERCS”, Kolcheff will take a break WarzoneUntil changes are made.
Raven has not made any progress in stopping hackers from ruining matches, according to the community. Although the studio has revealed the number of banned accounts, things have escalated to the point where hackers have adapted to keep up with background changes. Players have had to act on their own to report individuals, and some Warzone players have created special anti-cheat loadouts to fight those who are not fair.
Even though things are getting worse, Raven continues to pursue and ban all those who cheat or hack matches. The studio revealed earlier this week that it had banned more than 100,000 Call of Duty: Warzone accounts just Tuesday. Some people thanked the studio for their help, while others pointed out that cheaters were still rampant online. There were many video clips and screenshots that showed players cheating the system.
Over the last few months, things have been changing. However, there are still some things to be aware of. Raven continues to fight hacking and cheating. A recent update allows everyone in a Warzone match to know when a player has been banned. In a Battle Royale match, the killfeed now shows the player’s name and indicates that they have been banned. Activision and Raven now have hardware bans, so it seems that people who were recently banned cannot create new accounts.
Despite improvements, it seems that the community is finally getting the solution they have been seeking. Raven also announced that Warzone integration would include a new map and a PC anti-cheat system. For now, Raven has not divulged many details on how the anti-cheat will work, a common practice by development studios to not give information to those looking for ways around these systems.