Marvel’s Avengers Adds Black Panther MCU Costume
Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics are now available marvels AvengersLast year, Black Panther was added to the in-game roster. Marvel’s AvengersFans who waited for an MCU skin to Black Panther are now able to play as their favourite Wakandan hero.
Marvel’s Avengers recently announced on Twitter that a new Black Panther costume was available in the in-game marketplace. This outfit is not the standard version of the hero and is based on the “Marvel Studios Black Panther“, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fans of the Black Panther comics might be eager to see other outfits, but moviegoers are most familiar with the hero’s appearance in this film.
Crystal Dynamics assured Marvel’s Avengers fans, celebrating the new Black Panther outfit’s release, that this hero is a “king fighting to the throne for his people” just as in the movies. Crystal Dynamics can also look to the Caped, Civil War and King T’Chaka Black Panther for inspiration, as well as the Starlord’s recent “What If?” version. Crystal Dynamics is yet to confirm the next Black Panther outfit.
Chadwick Boseman portrayed black PantherIn in the Marvel movies but tragically died. Black Panther was first added to Marvell’s AvengersIn-game, players have recognized him. Black Panther’s melee DPS combat style and agility are also appreciated by other fans. It is not clear what the next addition will be. Marvel’s AvengersThe roster will remain, but the new Black Panther version will be exciting for some Marvel fans.
Black Panther’s Marvel’s Avengers roster had a different look. This new version celebrates his appearances in Marvel films. The War for Wakanda outfit has been added to the game. However, this new look may tempt players to revisit the mysterious location. Marvel’s Avengers has the MCU Black Panther. This was in addition to War for Wakanda’s release, which added a lot more content.
This new outfit was added to Marvel’s Avengers’ roster as a surprise after the release of Marvel’s Avengers patch. Crystal Dynamics hadn’t specified to Marvel’s Avengers fans that the MCU Black Panther would be added to the marketplace before the statement of its addition. For PlayStation fans, a blue version of Black Panther was also released. Xbox fans will likely have to wait a while until they can get a similarly celebratory green outfit.