Skyrim Mod Makes Forests Look Gorgeous
It has enabled game developers to create amazing new experiences by improving the performance of their consoles and PCs. But it also does something else equally important. Modders have been able to continue to improve their skills. The Elder Scrolls 5 SkyrimYou can, too. For example, take “Origins of Forest – 3D Forest Grass”, a recently updated mod. Skyrim 3D grass mod, which is intended to “reflect” the dynamic growth of great forests. It fillsSkyrimIt has beautiful green foliage and woodlands.
Origins of Forest 3D grass mod aims to better portray the wilderness of Skyrim than the game does, in part due to performance issues. Imagine walking through the wild wilderness with nothing but the bare ground and clear paths. Origins of Forest fills these spaces with grass, shrubbery and brush, which fills the space from the player’s waist to their waist. It makes exploring Skyrim feel completely new.
When paired together, the origins of Forest and The Jedi Trees enhance the visual appeal of The Elder Scrolls 5. Skyrim. They’re also supposed to do so without too much of a performance hit on PCs. Mod users have claimed that they experienced a loss of a few frames per second when using the mod. However, this is a fair trade for a transformative mod.
Origins of Forest is not able to accomplish its mission by itself. It is intended to be used in conjunction with The Jedi Trees, a key mod. Origins of Forest increases the height of foliage, while The Jedi Trees takes care of anything that grows higher. The mod replaces Skyrim’s trees with better trees from Unity’s tree assets library. This violates Unity’s licensing agreement as Skyrim, and its mods, aren’t Unity-related projects.