Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Reveals First Look at Fatesworn DLC
THQ Nordic promises one of its promises with kingdoms in Amalur: Re-ReckoningThere is the possibility of a new DLC to the remastered version. It’s almost a decade since the original. Kingdoms Of Amalur’s publication developers are now ready to give you a glimpse at the next chapter in the saga.
\According to the official Twitter account, Kingdoms of Amalur’s Fatesworn DLC’s final production stage is underway. THQ has not yet revealed the release date, but developers showed a new location in the game.
This preview is about Gale’s Crossing, a small town. Gale’s Crossing was once a flourishing trading post in Eldritch Mountains. However, a series of wars and changes to the economy in the region have made Gale’s Crossing a shadow version of its former glory. The once prosperous boomtown is still alive and is an important stopover for travellers traversing the Eldritch Mountains. The path is becoming more dangerous as the natural world slowly reclaims roads and other outlying encampments.
A screenshot of the town is included in the teaser. The town is small, with only a few buildings and a few tents. It also has crumbling walls. It seems like a good place to start your adventure in Re-Reckoning’s Fatesworn expansion. The town’s problems are not enough to make it the main story area, but it will be an important hub.
THQ Nordic purchased the Kingdoms of Amalur franchise last year and announced Re-Reckoning as well as its Fatesworn expansion. Re-Reckoning was released last September by THQ Nordic and Kaiko Games to positive reviews. Fans still don’t know much about the DLC.
According to Fatesworn, the plot involves players dealing with the aftermath of their character’s resurrection. Agarth, a returning character, will be assisting players in investigating disruptions in The Weave of Fate which governs most Amalur residents’ lives. According to reports, the new DLC adds over five hours of content. Anyone who bought the Fate Edition of Kings of Amalur: re-Reckoning will also receive it for free.