What Is ABI In Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory & How To Get It
While each Digimon game has its own identity, recurring elements have permeated the series’ titles over the years. One of these elements is the idea of partner Digimon becoming more skilled at their special abilities.
The game will determine how the data is classified and quantified. Digimon Story – Cyber Sleuth: Hacker’s memory is represented by the ABI stat, which stands for Ability. A certain level of ABI is necessary to digivolve one’s partner into Mega- or Ultra-level allies. However, the game doesn’t provide any instructions on how to improve this stat.
Digimon tamers have spent countless hours evaluating ABI and have found a way to increase it without any difficulty.
What is ABI, and What Does It Do?
ABI & Digivolution
In the beginning, ABI’s most important function is to digivolve certain Digimon in their Mega- or Ultra-level forms. However, the amount required will depend on the species. The most powerful Digimon will require more ABI. Although most Mega forms only require the latter, the amount of ABI required will vary from 20 to 120. A few Digimon archetypes that require higher ABI to obtain are the Royal KnightsThe Seven Deadly Digimon.
ABI & Training
ABI can be used to train a partner’s other stats, in addition to digivolving. The threshold for how many points you can put into a particular Digimon partner stat is not mentioned. , more ABI increases this threshold. This is the actual formula that was used by the game to determine the threshold for potential training point growth:
Digimon can do more training if they have a higher ABI stat. This will allow them to digivolve their partners into their most powerful forms.