Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bugs One Year Later

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Bugs One Year Later

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bugs One Year Later

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Bugs One Year Later

It has been nearly a year since Ubisoft’s latest historical epic, Assassin’s Creed Vahalla. The game was received mostly positive reviews. However, it was also acknowledged as a very buggy experience. It was released in the midst of the pandemic and therefore came at a very difficult time for game designers. Ubisoft’s title was released just a few days before the launch of the glitchy. It didn’t fail to sell records, but its poor launch state was not overlooked. was under fire, while the Assassin’s Creed Valhallabugs sailed peacefully towards riches.

Ubisoft has been adding to the game ever since and giving it live service. Although many bugs have been fixed, are the developers’ efforts paying off? This is how the game’s bugs look one year later as I experienced them during my most recent playthrough.

The Quests

My first section of the analysis is positive, at least when compared to November 2020’s first playthrough. The game’s quests were particularly clunky. Although I did not encounter it often during my main quest playthroughs, it was a common problem for side activities. Some reports suggest that it was more severe in some players and prevented them from finishing their main story. It’s almost inevitable that bugs will be discovered in the quests, considering the game’s length.

My most recent playthrough, October 2021, had no such issues. I was able to complete both the main storyline and the two DLC chapters without any issues. Quests were always there when they were needed. It is not to say that all quests went smoothly. NPCs can sometimes behave in a strange way. It was not unusual for a game this large. It was at the most, consistent.

These are the only exceptions that I find noteworthy. They are similar glitches that I encountered last year. The first is the settlement quest that involves the baker. The baker freezes during an escort as a result of his side quest. You must escort him home after he has left the house. But he won’t move. This is not a major issue and will only require a return to the title screen. Another issue is related to bugs encountered during the boss fight with Fenrir of Asgard. The game required four hard resets in my first playthrough and one during my most recent. Sometimes the boss disappears during combat, making it difficult to complete the fight. These are Assassin Creed Valhallabugs that were present a year ago and I felt they deserved to be mentioned.

The Sound

This section is where the game’s still-buggy state will be most evident. Sound design was already a problem at launch. It seemed that the sound mixing process had gone horribly wrong. Character dialogue fluctuated in volume almost constantly. Some characters were louder than others while others spoke like they were wearing helmets. The sound was also most variable when you were sailing in your longship. For some reason, the game treated volume like it was dependent on distance from the camera. This might work for walking, but sailing in your longship rendered dialogue nearly impossible.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Bugs One Year Later
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