Halo Infinite’s biggest crime isn’t the Battle Pass. It’s the Shotgun
With HaloInfinite’s multiplayer now available for more than two weeks, players from all over the globe have had the chance to voice their opinions on what might be the most excellent multiplayer shooter of 2021. Although we will have to wait to see if the campaign is as good as it seems, there have been many opinions about the multiplayer.
While most people agree that Halo Infinite’s core gameplay is excellent, there are concerns about the cosmetics. Some pieces of content can only be used on specific armour cores and weapons. The forced crossplay has allowed M&K aiming demons to run rampant over unsuspecting controller users. Is another ongoing controversy. 343 has constantly been refining.
But there is one problem that I find more troubling than the rest. It’s the shotgun fucking suckers. I give the Heatwave a pass due to its gimmicky nature. The trajectory swapping and bouncing shots have more utility. But the CQS48 Bulldog is the worst Halo game.
The shotguns used in Halo games are usually pumped action. Nearby, the M90 shotgun and M45 shotguns decimate enemy Spartans. Even if you hit the enemy in the face with the gun, you would only cause one fatality. However, it is a lot of damage when you consider that you are playing as super-powered, powerful marines wearing high-tech sci-fi armour. With the Bulldog in Halo Infinite, you have to be within the same range as the enemy even to touch them.
Although it’s not true, the Infinite shotgun can still put a Spartan in the ground with just 2-3 shots from close range. Although the Bulldog is faster than a pump-action weapon, it doesn’t compare to the one-hit-kill potential of Halo’s boomstick.
343 Industries may be trying to encourage a melee-focused approach to the shotgun. The shotgun could be used to weaken enemy shields so that you can knock them out with one punch. The Bulldog feels inferior in this framing, even though the original shotgun can remove all guards in one shot if not close enough to one kill.
The biggest crime of all is that it ruins classic Halo match-ups. The shotgun was extremely situational and had only one purpose in traditional gameplay: hiding behind corners and shooting unsuspecting dweebs. The gun functioned well once melee weapons such as the Energy Sword or Gravity Hammer were introduced. These weapons would aim for foes in an attempt to take one hit. However, a shotgun would allow the player to kill them quickly.
The Gravity Hammer has seen a rework in Infinite to reduce lunge and increase OHK range. However, the Energy Sword remains a lunge monster, but the weaker shotgun has made it a core tool to protect against the Sword’s domination. Although it requires patience and skill to use the Sword well, it is a weapon anyone can pick up and do some severe damage.
It is essential to have good maneuverability and use of equipment to counter it. This can be difficult for some people to do. Equipment is a pick-up and not a loadout, so you don’t always have a Repulsor available to keep you from the shiny scalpel.
A shotgun was a low-skill weapon that could be used to counter a more accessible gun. Although you might land a headshot without a scope with a sniper, the chances of doing so are very slim. A sticky grenade could bring down the sword user. However, that is difficult enough in itself. The delay in the explosion would allow them to focus on you before they die. You’re double-stuck if the sword wielder has the Grappleshot and Halo’s grapple hook equipment.