How to Read Comics on a Budget
The comic book readership used to be almost entirely male. Today, comic book readers come from all walks of life. It isn’t easy to read every comic book published worldwide after a hundred years of industry. However, new readers shouldn’t be discouraged from exploring the fantastic universe of sequential art narratives.
Due to financial instability, many people find it challenging to afford comics every Wednesday. Comic collecting can be a costly hobby. There are many convenient, inexpensive, and freeways to read comics. Those considering buying and reading physical comics face additional difficulties due to paper shortages and the supply chain. Here are nine ways to buy and read comics on a tight budget as the New Year approaches.
1. ComiXology
ComiXology should be the first stop for anyone looking for affordable, free comics. Anyone can create a ComiXology account free of charge on their website or mobile app to gain instant access and download various graphic novels and issues. ComiXology Original comics are available for free when you sign up through your Amazon Prime account. The significant number of comics available for free to potential readers is enough to keep them busy for hours.
The digital platform offers a very affordable subscription service for those with a bit of extra money. A monthly ComiXology Unlimited membership can be purchased as low as PS4.49 (or $5.99). ComiXology Unlimited is a significant investment. Subscribers have access to thousands of digital comics issues, trades, graphic novels, and more.
Click the “Borrow” green button to start reading. ComiXology organizes your comics via Smart Lists. Comics that aren’t available yet can be added to your wishlist. You can then access them quickly to see if there have been any discounts. ComiXology is an excellent resource for readers with limited budgets.
ComiXology plans to merge with Amazon. Users will no longer have the option to create or read through a ComiXology account. Instead, they will be required to use Amazon. The update was delayed to early 2022, but more about the change can be read.
2. D.C. Universe Infinite
The most popular comic publishers are D.C. Comics and Marvel Comics. Individuals on a tight budget will need to manage their subscriptions carefully. The DC Universe Unlimited subscription service has aconsiderablee collection of D.C. Comics. D.C. Universe Infinite offers access to the D.C. Vertigo imprint and Milestone Media catalog. Highly requested comics can also be accessed through D.C. Universe Infinit.e
3. InStockTrades is the best place to buy physical comic books, aside from the library resources, which are further down the list. Although they may not arrive in perfect condition, the site is reliable and can purchase or receive trades significantly discounted. InStockTrades ships domestically to the U.S. via UPS Mail Innovations and USPS Media Mail. With a purchase above PS37.47 ($50), you can get free shipping. The weight of the order determines shipping costs to the U.S…
4. Half-price Books
Book lovers already have the website bookmarked on their browsers. If you are a comic reader in the U.S., it is worth visiting your local Half Price Books or logging in online. Half Price Books offers comics and books at a discounted price.
Half Price Books regularly offers discounts on 1000s of products. Every few months, they send outemaill subscribers a coupon that can be used online or in-store. International buyers can also use Half Price Books’ website, offering Priority International shipping.
5. Kindle Unlimited
Amazon’s Unlimited subscription service allows you to access select digital comic titles, but it isn’t as extensive as ComiXology Unlimited.
The service offers thousands of books for free if you read novels in addition to the comics. The PS7.49 ($9.99 per month) Kindle Unlimited may seem expensive if you only want to read comics. Amazon offers a variety of discounted or free trials for Kindle Unlimited subscriptions. Amazon will sometimes offer a free two-month trial. You can explore comics and see what they have by signing up for a 30-day trial.
Digital reading can be described as fluid. The guided mode allows readers to go through each panel individually. Kindle Unlimited comics are available on any device, including smartphones, tablets, or Kindle. It is very convenient to be able to switch between devices seamlessly.
6. Library/Free Digital Library Resources
Who doesn’t love free books? Readers have many options for free services, and the library is a vital resource. The library stocks graphic novels from both major comic book publishers and indie publishers. Public patrons can access these free of charge with a library card. Even people without library cards can access a library and sit in the lounges.
Patrons who prefer digital media can access their library card online to download digital graphic novels. You can access the library’s website to download a trade online and then read it using a web browser. Or, send a copy to your Kindle/Kindle App. Overdrive and Libby are two other online apps that can be accessed through the library. Libby is a great app for comic reading. You can either read the comic in the app or download it to your Kindle. Both services are user-friendly and allow digital reading. However, they may have different titles. These apps allow you to check out up to 25 comics or books at once. You can also add multiple libraries to Libby, or multiple cards from one library to Libby. Each card has a 25-day maximum borrow limit. provides basic download and compatibility information. is a useful link. You can read a wide variety of graphic novels, including single issues for free, on the Hoopla app. Hoopla allows 5 monthly borrowings, but often contains more individual comic issues.
Libraries are a great resource for creators. Don’t feel guilty about using their services. Libraries can purchase a digital copy of the comic to add it to their comic collection. Authors receive royalties. Libraries also promote comics and books through online promotion and in-library displays. Comics should not be relegated to the back burner because of financial problems. Comic creators and readers both benefit from libraries.
7. Local Comic Shop
As far as comics go, it is best to buy from your local comic shop. Comic shops usually sell comics at a list price of between PS2.99 ($3.99) and PS3.74 ($4.99). Many comic shops offer weekly or occasional deals in-store. These deals can be promoted via social media oremaill. A single issue of comics sells for a very affordable price. Graphic novels and trades (multiple-issue collections/comic books) tend to go up from PS11.24 ($15), to PS14.99 ($20). You may be able to cut the cost by availing those rare 10-20% discounts at your local comic shop.
Many comic shops offer back issues at a discount, damaged trades or free comics that are not for sale. These viable options are available if the physical condition is not an issue. An abundance of comics are available for free every year. Comic shops around the world host a free comic book day every year. Find and support your local comic shop today at
8. Marvel Unlimited
Marvel Unlimited, a digital subscription service that exclusively distributes Marvel Comics to its subscribers, follows the lead of D.C. Universe Infinite. Marvel Unlimited’s comic selection will interest all Marvel fans. The digital platform currently offers 29,000 Marvel Comics, a treasure trove of Marvel Comics for Marvel fans.
After a 7-day trial, subscriptions start at PS7.49 ($9.99 per month). You can subscribe for a year at PS51.71 ($69), or sign up for the PS74.20 ($99), which is a Marvel Unlimited Annual Plus Membership. They will send you a limited edition kit. This price is a bit high for those who want to only receive Marvel Comics in the catalog, as well as the D.C. service. Marvel Unlimited will be lowering its annual membership fee to PS44.97 ($60), until December 13. You can download the app on any tablet, phone, or web browser. The app can be downloaded on any tablet, device or web browser. It often updates with sometimes divisive modifications.
Many online book sellers offer deals on comics, as well as new and used books. is the “world’s biggest online independent book seller” and offers comic books at a discount when they are in stock. Hand-grading is done on comics and books. ThriftBooks lists the condition of their inventory online.
ThriftBooks users can earn points by purchasing books through the ThriftBooks app. A user can earn free books by accumulating a certain number of points. This is a great way to get comics that aren’t available through the library or to add physical comic books to your personal collection.