Fortnite Winterfest 2021: All Christmas Challenges and Free Rewards
Fortnite Winterfest is back with a bang in 2021. There are free challenges and rewards to keep you busy during the holiday season.
This year’s Christmas Even will be similar to 2019. Players will unlock new rewards each day for simply visiting the cabin or completing challenges. You will receive a Matrix glider, two skins, and a host of other festive goodies.
This article will cover everything you need about Fortnite’s Winterfest 2021. It includes all the challenges you can take on and the free stuff you can unlock.
Fortnite Winterfest 2021 Challenges
This is a complete list of all the challenges Winterfest will bring to Fortnite this year. Each day, there’s a new challenge.
You can warm yourself at the Yule Log in the Cozy Lodge.
Collect toy biplanes from Condo Canyon, Greasy Grove, or Sleepy Sound
You can travel with icy feet (200 m)
Fly with a chicken
Crackshot’s Cabin, and Sgt Winter’s Workshop: Three Seconds of Dance
With a vehicle, you can make a snowman
Get Holiday Presents! You can find the item here
Find a treasure trove under a holiday tree
Take one match to eat food (5)
You can hide for ten seconds as Sneaky Snowman within a 25m radius of your opponent.
Make sure to light a campfire and have icy feet
You can travel 1000m on a Crackshot Quadcrasher
Destroy holiday decorations
Chiller Grenade gives icy feet to your opponent
These challenges can be quite simple as you can use unvalued ice weapons such as the Chiller Grenade and Travel while having icy foot. You can also Light a campfire while keeping your feet icy.
It is simple to search for a treasure box under a Christmas tree. Many buildings on the map will now have Christmas trees in them, and the same goes for the holiday decorations you need to destroy.
You can also collect toy biplanes at Condo Canyon or Greasy Grove. It’s easier to land at Greasy Grove or Sleepy Sound because they are POIs, and have higher concentrations.
Crackshot Quadcrashers are available at any garage located in the snow section.
Cozy Lodge is the cabin that was added for Winterfest. It can be found by clicking on the logo on the lobby screen and then selecting the fireplace.