How to Calculate DPS in Video Games
APK Games

How to Calculate DPS in Video Games

How to Calculate DPS in Video Games

How to Calculate DPS in Video Games

DPS is a useful way to determine how powerful a weapon is in a video game.

Most games include DPS details alongside the weapon, but Fortnite does not. Instead, players receive other values such as fire rate and reload times. It is very easy to calculate DPS.

To calculate DPS, multiply the damage values by fire rate per minute.

For example, if your assault rifle causes 20 base damage, and you fire at 10 per second, its DPS would equal 200. 20 x 10 = 200.

This is a good starting point, but it doesn’t give an exact calculation for every game, as there are many variables.

Some games have bloomed. This means that your bullets may miss despite your best aim, and you also need to consider the reload speed and accuracy. Keep in mind that weapons can have damage multipliers depending on where they hit an opponent. Some weapons also have damage drop-off.

DPS is an important metric, but it’s not all that useful.

How to Calculate DPS in Video Games
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