Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker provided a satisfying sense of closure to MMORPG fans. The game’s launch in 2010 has marked the end of the story. This isn’t the end of the game. There are many more expansions. Fans can only speculate about what will happen after the Hydaelyn-Zodiark arc. Future directions and concepts can be explored freely in the game’s future. It is wise to temper expectations, but the game must evolve. For example, we shouldn’t expect major improvements in the engine or graphics. Square Enix must push the game to new heights. This article will present future FFXIV, after Endwalker without spoilers.
Our adventures began in Eorzea, which the players have explored extensively. Soon, the story took us to the Far East with Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood. The latest expansion opened zones like Old Sharleyan or Thavnair. Although some areas were more explored than others, there are many other places that we haven’t missed. Many of the lands mentioned in previous expansions are now our home. It would be simple to add new zones or dungeons to those areas, but I want more.
It’s time for me to feel lost in a land unlike any other. It’s almost like starting over in a new place, with people and places that are completely unfamiliar to us. It’s a thrill to build your reputation, alliances, form new bonds, and set new goals. It’s unlikely that anyone would ever want to see the game abandoning the characters they have met. However, it is still limiting to base your story around people and areas with complete arcs. To get a new story going, we need a setting that has untapped potential.
Fandom already knows the likely next settings for FFXIVafter Endeavor. Meracydia and The New World seem most likely. Fans afraid of such a dramatic change should know that it has been done before. The setting in which Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers was set was almost completely isolated from the others. This feeling of isolation made Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers so iconic.
The Warrior of Light is not recognized in this place.
The Grand Companies of Eorzea were the players’ introduction to factions in Reborn. Your GC was responsible for some of your gear, even though it had little to no impact on the story. In PvP, it was more important as your GC determined which side you would fight for. You could get more gear, new provisioning missions, and your squadron as you earned promotions. It’s a problem because it was an area that didn’t grow with every expansion. Except for the PvP gear, GC’s did not increase the number of items they offered after ARR. It became static except for and a few Squadron missions.
It’s possible that the game doesn’t want to complicate PvP, but it has refused to introduce new GCs. ARR Immortal Flames and Order of the Twin Adder are the only joined able Grand Companies. This content is mostly old and provides only a little bit of glamour, with the occasional block of flavor text. This is a shame, as I was very invested in my military rank when I started the game. It was a good feeling to hear NPCs refer to me as Captain.
FFXIVafter the end, the walker must bring the factions back into the narrative fold. Due to the obvious gap in content between multiple add-ons, it would be difficult for existing factions to accomplish this. The creation of new Grand Companies could give players new goals. They must be a part of the story. The ARR began with unique missions that were specific to your area. Similar stories would be welcomed depending on the factions you choose.
Sometimes I forget that I am a Captain in Grand Company.
Because I have very little experience in PvP, this is a difficult topic to talk about. You should know that the gameplay is far from perfect. The game’s core focus is on PvE. Players can’t build unique builds to give them an advantage in PvP fights. Every player has the same toolkit, so those skills don’t work against others. The effectiveness of different roles is also significantly uneven. The game has not been able to overcome its obstacles.
PvP was the reason I remembered it. It was almost absent throughout my entire playthrough. This part of the game was abandoned after nearly a year of play. Although I don’t play a lot of PvP, I have tried out other features like crafting. The game has story hooks to get me hooked. Likely, many players don’t know about the feature or where to find it. It’s almost as if the game is hiding it in some corner.
FFXIVafter Endwalkerneeds a system overhaul, but also a narrative to reenergize the PvP. A story incentive could go a long way in attracting players to invest their time with factions. Some fans are concerned about increasing PvP because of the increased possibility of toxicity.