It is not easy to create your kingdom or set off to paint it in your color in Blade 2: Bannerlord. Knowing where you can build the most useful workshops can help provide passive income.
Where can you find the best workshop in Mt and Blade 2: Bannerlord. These are the results we have so far.
Mount and Blade 2 – Bannerlord Best Workshop
Mount & Blade 2 – Bannerlord workshops are located in almost all large towns. You can travel to one and then enter it. Look around for buildings such as olive presses, woodworkers, or smithies.
Next, go to them and locate one of their workers. Start a conversation with them. The second option is to buy the workshop in question.
Once you have selected the option, the worker will inform you of the workshop’s cost. Our experience shows that purchase costs can range between 11,000 to 15,000 denars, which is quite a lot in the early stages.
There are many ways to earn passive income from workshops in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. Keep track of the resources produced by the villages you are interested in building your workshop.
It’s more profitable to find the right resource than to pick one that isn’t as readily available. This is key to making sure your workshop runs smoothly.
These are the places to consider when building the best Mount & Blade 2 workshops: Bannerlord.
- Askar -> Grain – Brewery (2 villages)
- Sanala -> Brewery (3 villages).
- Baltakhand: Wool – Wool Weavery (1 Village)
- Thailand -> Brewery (2 villages).
- Epicrotea -> Iron Ore Smithy (1 village).
- Pen Cannoc -> Clay Pottery Shop (2 Villages)
- Online: Silver – Silversmith (1 Village)
- Ortisya Silversmith (1 Village)
- Senon -> Hardwood – Wood Workshop (1 village)
- Vostrum -> Brewery (2 villages).
These locations can be used as a starting point for building the best workshops in Mount & Blade 2 : Bannerlord. However, they are not an exhaustive list. Your mileage may vary.
The game is constantly being updated, so the map, economy, and workshop can all change. This could make it less feasible over time.
We would love to hear about other good spots you have encountered.
Mount & Blade 2, Bannerlord are now available in Steam Early Access. You can check out the troop tree and console commands.