Warzone Shadow Outcast Skin Prevents Accurate Aiming
Despite Raven Software trying to fix them, the number of bugs and glitches affecting Season 1 of Warzone Pacific continues to rise. Operator Skins are not new to the battle royale. The Awoken Skin has been made invisible for most of Season 1.
This skin is not going to make players disappear. It significantly impacts crosshair alignment and makes it difficult for players to land precise shots onto their target.
Reddit user Arbeast21 noticed the issue and pointed out that their crosshair was slightly lower than where the bullets were landing. This meant they had to adjust their aim throughout a match dramatically. This is a problem in a game where accuracy can distinguish between scoring kills and going to Gulag.
After the player had purchased the Curse of the Ancients bundle, the player confirmed that the unusual alignment occurred after using the Shadow Outcast Operator skin. Arbeast21 is frustrated by the bundle, which costs 2400 COD points.
How to Fix Shadow Outcast Aim Glitch
It appears that there is a temporary solution to this very unusual problem in Warzone. Change to another Operator Skin and the bullets will land exactly where the crosshair points. If you want to use your Shadow Outcast skin, wait until Raven Software fixes it.
While we wait, you can read everything about the Attack on Titan cross-over as well as the best Bren loadout for in Caldera or Rebirth Island.