Sifu Boss' Guide: How to Defeat Yang

Sifu Boss’ Guide: How to Defeat Yang

Sifu Boss' Guide: How to Defeat Yang

Sifu Boss’ Guide: How to Defeat Yang

It’s done. You are now one step closer to avenging the death of your father, and master. But Sifu will have something to say about it. Yang is the final boss and will try to get his way.

This article will tell you everything you need to know to defeat Yang, Sifu’s last boss.

Where to Find Yang?

Yang is the last enemy that you will encounter in Sifu’s final level, The Sanctuary. Yang, who murdered your father many years ago, has now created The Sanctuary to heal the people of the city. He believes that this will absolve him from the crime of killing your father. We are here to dissuade Yang from such an idea.

How to Defeat Yang – Preparation

You’ll find the most difficult enemies in the Sanctuary. However, once you reach Yang, you can unlock a shortcut that will take you straight from the beginning to the final boss. The default route will give you an additional shrine. However, this is not required if your goal is to complete the game. If you have followed our Kuroki or Jinfeng guides you should be fine for shrines.

In order to stand against Yang, you must have at least one tick for the shrine upgrade “parries increase resolve damages”. The best place to find that upgrade is the opening level. This requires a level score of 4000. This may mean that you will need to do a complete run reset in order to obtain these upgrades. However, if you have made it to The Sanctuary, there are likely to be some permanent skills which will make the run much easier.

After you have your run loadout set up, you can defeat the first four levels. You’ll reach a crossroads after you have defeated the first enemy. Turn left and confront the five enemies. Be on the lookout for the large lad in the back. If you are able to take out the two men on the right, head into the kitchen and grab a weapon that will make your life easier. You can claim the shrine to receive an optional upgrade for free. An upgrade to the structure would be a great idea.

After that, go outside and three enemies will be waiting on the steps. Slide kick the enemy behind the big man while they are still talking to make it easy to take down. Next, focus on the smaller guy to get their weapon. Be careful not to go too high up the stairs. The big guy will be less of a threat if the other threats are gone. If you’re looking for a knife, the restaurant has plenty of them.

The next two people on the stairs are an agile woman and a large grappler who can ruin your day. Keep two focus bars on hand for the fight. If you have one spare, use a focus attack foot sweep to take out the woman. She’s less healthy and more likely to dodge thrown weapons. Throw as many bricks at the other guy as possible once she’s gone. He won’t be able to dodge them as well as the first enemy. This guy will be sedated with a brick, followed by a quick combo (down-up+triangle), or a regular sweep (down+triangle),

The last obstacle before Yang is a strong staff user, who can put you six feet below in less than two seconds flat if you are not careful. These are the two extra bars of focus that will be crucial. You’ll need to use vertical strikes to focus on the wall and then use light, medium, and heavy combos to force the enemy into the wall. This is similar to the way the Jinfeng boss fight’s two bodyguards were defeated. You will see the damage quickly and be able to start a takedown.

After these threats have been eliminated, grab the enemy’s staff and proceed to the next room. Make a stop at the shrine for any final upgrades or skill unlocks, then you can face Yang.

Phase 1: How to Defeat Yang

Yang is without a doubt the most powerful foe in the game. Yang is the strongest foe in the game. Yang’s move set consists mainly of many of your moves. However, his moves are faster, more powerful, and hit harder. Yang is your superior in many ways, which makes his boss have to fight a war for supremacy anyway.

Second, is immune to focus attacks. This is the crutch you’ve relied on for most of Sifu, but it doesn’t work against Yang. You have to rely solely on your skills and knowledge to defeat this beast. Yang’s health is so large that winning a straight fight seems almost impossible. It might seem impossible to defeat Yang because he is so passionate about either throwing out attacks or avoiding everything. But Parry has the simple answer.

Yang’s weakness is parrying. If you have the shrine upgrade that makes parrying deal greater resolve damage, Yang will find it easier to fight bosses. Although it’s not an easy task, the goal becomes a lot easier if your one tool works better than the rest. Yang’s structure should be whittled down gradually with the help of a staff. Yang will increase the ante once the staff is exhausted.

Phase 2: How to Defeat Yang

The second stage in Yang’s boss fight is almost identical to the first. Yang will try to overwhelm you with strikes, attacks, and you’ll have to do your best not to be overwhelmed by his attacks and structure meters. Then you must deal the fatal blow. Although it sounds simple, Yang has a few tools that can ruin your day.

Yang’s new moves are not only the same as the ones he used in the first phase. He has a charging attack that he uses to strike you upon contact, a hit confirms grab that knocks you on the ground, a floor grab that deals serious damage, a slide kick, and a throw that switches your position. The last move isn’t as dangerous as it sounds. Yang tends to run backwards afterwards, which is annoying.

Although the grabs can be difficult to master, Yang’s demise could be avoided by learning new moves that are easier to parry and dodge. Even though you know parrying is your only option, it’s still a difficult fight. But knowing is only half of the battle. Yang needs some time to adjust so you should have a few more attempts with him on phases one and two. You will eventually beat Sifu and defeat Yang if you persevere.

Sifu Boss’ Guide: How to Defeat Yang
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