Modders Already Make 'Dying light 2' Look Great

Modders Already Make ‘Dying light 2’ Look Great

Modders Already Make 'Dying light 2' Look Great

Modders Already Make ‘Dying light 2’ Look Great

How do we find Dying light 2? It’s been out for over a week. In our review, we called it “an expansive, if not entirely unique, an open-world playground that’s full of epic action, pleasingly violent combat and some difficult decisions.”

Although the game received a lot of positive feedback, there will always be some critics. It’s not for everyone, and that’s probably the most surprising statement I’ve ever heard about fan reaction to a videogame. Gamers are self-sufficient and one modder already has a solution.

Razed (u/rpg) posted the Dying light 2 enhanced mod to the Steam game’s guide page. They describe it as an experimental mod that aims “to improve the overall visual quality” of the game. You can download the mod in two formats: one with a greater draw distance and one without altering it.

Reddit users also shared the mod by the user. SuperMoonky wrote, “Good job!” SuperMoonky wrote, “Thanks for doing that[.] That’s really kind of you,” FF4_still_holds_up.

Another Dying light 2 news: Yesterday saw the first (free!) DLC pack made available to the game. It’s admittedly quite small. It’s a combination costume and weapon set, also known as the Authority Pack. Strangely, even though one piece (namely the hoodie and sweats, as well as the trainers) was released yesterday, accessories and the weapon are not available until tomorrow. We are kept in strange suspense for some reason. Grab it as soon as you can – you don’t want the strange car-part hammer to go!

Modders Already Make ‘Dying light 2’ Look Great
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