Pro Gamer Fired for Saying That Short Men "Don’t Have Human Rights"

Pro Gamer Fired for Saying That Short Men “Don’t Have Human Rights”

Pro Gamer Fired for Saying That Short Men "Don’t Have Human Rights"

Pro Gamer Fired for Saying That Short Men “Don’t Have Human Rights”

A professional Tekken player was fired by the Japanese esports team Cyclops Athlete Gaming for making comments about the heights of men on stream. Tanukana apparently loves taller men but she didn’t say it in the right way. This has caused a lot of upset among her fans.

According to Kotaku Tanukana stated that men who are less than 170 cm do not have human rights. This is for imperial system users. It’s about 5 feet 7 inches. Sorry, short kings. According to her, she also suggested that men below that height should consider bone-lengthening surgery. Is this a thing? Don’t do it.

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According to Tanukana, Japan’s average height is 5ft 7 inches. (cheers Wikipedia), you can see why many viewers felt hurt by the streamer. Tanukana apologized in a tweet, which has since been deleted. She said that her stream contained hate speech and that she was not trying to hurt anyone.

Cyclops, the streamer’s esports group, also published an apology : “We have confirmed that Tanukana (a member of Cyclops Athlete Gaming) made an inappropriate remark during a stream on February 15th,” they wrote (as translated Kotaku). “Regarding the matter, we would like a sincere apology to our sponsors and fans.

Tanukana has since apologized again for her comments. She wrote: “I am very sorry [for] selfish remarks to all my fans, sponsors like Red Bull, and to all my supporters on a daily basis,” (translated by Google). “I regret that the stream was not acceptable and that I didn’t know about it.” I cannot be sorry for this. As an esports professional and as a member in good standing of society, I deeply regret this and apologize for being a traitor to you.”

It doesn’t appear likely that Tanukana would be invited back to the team anytime soon. This round is yours, short kings.

Pro Gamer Fired for Saying That Short Men “Don’t Have Human Rights”
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