Gran Turismo 7 Beginner's Tips: Menus, Licences & More

Gran Turismo 7 Beginner’s Tips: Menus, Licences & More

Gran Turismo 7 Beginner's Tips: Menus, Licences & More

Gran Turismo 7 Beginner’s Tips: Menus, Licences & More

Gran Turismo is the pioneer of racing games. For 25 years, Gran Turismo’s tagline has been “The Real Driving Simulator.” It is the best series for simulating driving at high speeds on racing tracks. Gran Turismo7 is no exception.

With a wide range of career options and many choices, it is crucial to know where to start and what you should do throughout the game. This is especially true when the race times get more complex and faster. These excellent beginner’s tips will help you succeed in Gran Turismo 7.

1. Stop Auto Drive immediately

Gran Turismo 7 allows you to change your screen settings, pick your preferred performance mode and toggle your auto-drive settings. As the name suggests, Auto Drive controls aspects of driving such as steering and brakes to make sure you don’t go off the road every corner. These are helpful tools for anyone who needs them but can hinder those who know how to use them, especially if they’re trying to get lap times.

2. Priority: Menus

You can live the life of an automotive fanatic by collecting cars and traveling to races around the globe in the World Tour career mode. The cafe owner will also give you menus to follow. The menus are quests that will introduce you to different mechanics and car types in Gran Turismo 7. It’s worth taking the time to complete them. As you move through the menus, more features will become available, so it’s worth meeting them as soon as possible.

3. Earn your Licences

After completing a few menus, you will unlock the Licence Centre. Here, players take on challenges to learn how to drive. Although the menu linked to the license center will only require you to complete the first trial, it is worth doing all 10 to earn a B license and then move on to an A license. These licenses are required to progress in the championships. However, they can also be used to buy new cars and money, especially if all the gold requirements have been met.

4. Go for gold with ghosts

If you are attempting to complete the Licence trials, a dry run will be helpful. This is especially true if the prosecution involves proper racing lines and turning. Gran Turismo provides demonstrations to help you get an idea of how to perform, but you can also see your best time and score, which will give you infinitely more information about how fast you are, what you brake on corners, and other things. You’ll be able to set yourself a benchmark and get better times.

5. A Fine Addition To Your Collector Level

Your Collector Level will rise as you progress through the career mode and accumulate a lot of cars. Although it is unclear what your Collector Level benefits are, upgrades to the tuning shop will become more affordable once you have a few vehicles. New missions at the Missions pavilion will be available. This will give you more money and car opportunities, so it is worth increasing your collection.

6. Check out Your Events and Your PP

As you progress through the game and the various menus, you will be able to compete in events with a few restrictions, such as Japanese front-wheel-drive cars only. The recommended PP level will be displayed at each event. This system allows you to determine how powerful and fast your car is. You’ll always be able to find an eligible vehicle to race with by looking at the menu in the cafe. However, make sure to check the PP level to ensure that your vehicle can compete.

Gran Turismo 7 Beginner’s Tips: Menus, Licences & More
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