"Star Wars Villainous" Is A New Game About The Dark Side

“Star Wars Villainous” Is A New Game About The Dark Side

"Star Wars Villainous" Is A New Game About The Dark Side

“Star Wars Villainous” Is A New Game About The Dark Side


Disney love making Star Wars items. It doesn’t matter how many products are out there; we want more.

Disney teamed with Ravensburger three years ago to create a new board game for its classic properties. Villainousset, the classic Disney film, antagonists Maleficent and Jafar against each other to accomplish their respective goals. It’s nice to see all the hard work of these naughty people finally pay off.

The company releases new expansions of the game every day, expanding its library of intellectual properties. You can now play as the villains of Disney’s core movies, but you are also welcome to attempt other characters such as those from the Marvel movies.

What Disney franchise is home to more villains than Star Wars? Many TV and film shows focus on the battle between good and evil. The series was no surprise to get its own Villainous spin-off.

The latest expansion, Star Wars Villainous Power Of The Dark Side, includes quests for five different enemies. First, we have General Grievous of Revenge Of The Sith. Then we have Asajj Ventress from Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. You can also play Kylo Ren in the latest sequel trilogy. Finally, is Darth Vader.

Look, there’s the box for the game, right up there. It looks a bit baddie-like, doesn’t it? Star Wars Villainous won’t be available until August 2022. So until then, you’ll have to pretend you’re the Sith. There is plenty of Star Wars content available – see the video above. But Disney+ will also have the Obi-Wan Kenobi TV series.

“Star Wars Villainous” Is A New Game About The Dark Side
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