Gumball Machine Determines Which Random Pokemon Tattoo You Get with Great Results

Gumball Machine Determines Which Random Pokemon Tattoo You Get with Great Results

Gumball Machine Determines Which Random Pokemon Tattoo You Get with Great Results

Gumball Machine Determines Which Random Pokemon Tattoo You Get with Great Results

Many people are passionate about the original Pokemon generation. It is difficult to find original tattoos based on these ball-bound beasties because there are so many.

One tattoo parlour in New York took the decision away from its clients. OmenInk has gumball machines that contain images of the original 151. For $150, you can also try your luck at turn-based fighting fortune. Although the studio isn’t perfect (pun intended), you can still reroll your choice if you get a Goldeen, Muk or other underwhelming results. You might decide not to after looking at other people’s results.

Even if you’re not Weedle, the studio’s artists take great pride in what they do. After seeing the amazing images created from our captured critters, you may be inspired to raise your flag in honour of Rattata. Each tattoo includes a unique pose, background and props that are appropriate for the particular mon.

The best thing about tattoos is not the amazing artistry but the individuality of each piece. Once a Pokemon is pulled from the lottery and not discarded as yesterday’s Krabby, it goes off the board, never to be released. It’s unique and you won’t find another one.

You will need to act quickly if you want to tattoo all of the Pokemon.

Gumball Machine Determines Which Random Pokemon Tattoo You Get with Great Results
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