Marvel Introduces a Brand New Spider-Man Super Villain: Chasm
Since Spiderman first appeared in Amazing Fantasy back in 1962 (! Our web-slinging, wall-sticking hero has encountered a lot of foes. That’s the main point.
However, there is a new baddie in town – according to GamesRadar+. The latest Amazing Spider-Man comic introduced Chasm, who appears to be an anti-Spider-Man. Who is hiding behind the mask? Well, it’s possible that fans already know the identity of the person behind this mask –. If you don’t want to spoil the issue (#93), scroll down.
Ever wondered what it would be like to fly Spider-Man’s webs? The video below will show you.
Okay, everyone who doesn’t like to read this is gone. Good. Good. While the “Clone-Saga” storyline was in progress, he replaced Peter briefly. He’s been misled into believing he is doing heroic things. However, the sinister Beyond Corporation has been manipulating and controlling him. This is not ideal.
Ben begins to lose his artificially implanted memories about Peter’s past, becoming unstable. This eventually leads to conflict between Peter and Ben. He is surrounded by strange chemicals and gets lost beneath the corporate headquarters. He ultimately comes out of the wreckage of the corporation’s headquarters months later. However, his memory is worsened, and he’s covered in green and black energy, which is never a good sign.
That brings us to Chasm, Ben’s new villainous identity. Thanks again to GameRadar+ for the plot summary. His appearance in comics is his only, but we may see him on the screen someday.
With Spider-Man movies, it was revealed that Grant Curtis (who worked on Sam Raimi’s original Spider-Man trilogy) hopes that more can still be done with Raimi’s storyline in the future. Last year, storyboards were released for a fourth movie in which Spider-Man would be facing off against The Vulture. The film was never made, but it’s possible that something new could be in the works. Tobey Maguire stated that his character’s chapter wasn’t yet closed. We’ll have to wait and see what happens… Sorry.