After player feedback, the ‘Elden Ring Update’ has just been made to buff The Game’s hardest boss.
After being significantly weaker, a recent Elden Ringupdate has helped to boost one of the most difficult boss battles in the game.
Elden Ring enthusiasts were divided by a patch FromSoftware released at the end of March that made Starscourge Radahn a comparatively less scourge than he was previously.
Radahn was a difficult boss in Elden Ring before the March patch. Radahn was a formidable boss with a lot of health and an unpredicted combination of close-range and long-range attacks. It made it difficult to fight him. Dataminers found that Radahn did less damage and was easier to hit after the patch.
The Radahn-nerf was a major point of contention in the community. Some felt they could boast about beating “pre-patch Radahn”. Others thought it unfair that younger players would have a harder time than they did.
It now appears that FromSoftware didn’t intend to nerf Radahn. Twitter confirmed that the latest update had fixed a bug in Radahn’s balance adjustment that “unintentionally” decreased the power of some of his attacks.
Radahn, in other words, is back in his prime. He’s ready to ruin our lives once again. We pray for God’s mercy.