This 'Elden Ring Anti-Invader Ambush Trap is Absolutely Brutal

This ‘Elden Ring Anti-Invader Ambush Trap is Absolutely Brutal

This 'Elden Ring Anti-Invader Ambush Trap is Absolutely Brutal

This ‘Elden Ring Anti-Invader Ambush Trap is Absolutely Brutal


It’s been almost six weeks since the release of Eldering. I don’t think you need me to tell ya that can be a bit confusing. We all know this by now. FromSoftware aimed to make this meaty adventure as difficult as possible, whether it was the optional Melania boss fight or Elden Beast. What did you get? Broken controllers, and the pure joy of gaming enthusiasts everywhere. We’re an odd bunch.

People don’t have to worry only about in-game enemies. Intruders can also invade your game to seek out easy prey, such as fellow players. There are many clever ways to combat them. One person came up with the perfect trap that will quickly eliminate anyone who comes into your game looking to get blood.

It’s pretty cool, right? It was a fast-paced affair, but one player used the Mimic’s Veil tool as camouflage to pretend they were a bush. It can be found in Stormveil Castle. You can also reuse it at a cost of six FP each time you wish to become one with the natural world.

There are many other ways to deal with opposing players too. If you want to be the danger yourself and not adopt a defensive strategy, becoming a mech is perhaps your best option. Yes, really. One player was very inventive and discovered that you could turn your Tarnished’s body into steel by using some consumables and one powerful incantation. You can then go around spewing flames out of your eyes. Fun! It’s fun! If you are considering adopting this one, please accept my apologies.

This ‘Elden Ring Anti-Invader Ambush Trap is Absolutely Brutal
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