No Mans Sky Outlaws updates add pirate missions to outlaw stations

No Mans Sky Outlaws updates add pirate missions to outlaw stations

No Mans Sky Outlaws updates add pirate missions to outlaw stations

No Mans Sky Outlaws updates add pirate missions to outlaw stations


Hello, Games announced the new No Mans SkyOutlaws patch. This patch lets players play the role of a space pirate. They can create space wings, find Outlaw space stations, and much more. The Outlaws update (April 13) has new NMS patch notes.

No Mans Sky Outlaws Update

Space is full of exciting new developments. Space piracy has become a bigger threat because many space sectors are now under the control of space outlaws. You can now create bands of pilots and fight the growing threat, or be a bandit and carry out smuggling missions. You can go to any Outlaw-controlled space station and buy contraband goods. Then, you can ship it to other merchants who are willing to purchase it.

System authorities will however scan the goods for contraband material. If contraband material is found, authorities will send Sentinal Interceptors to deal with the smugglers.

You can also become an outlaw and receive even greater rewards. For those who are brave enough to attack passing freighters or trader ships, there are no greater yields and bounties. There are greater risks associated with vigorous sentinel activity. Although this can be detrimental to your reputation, it is possible to use the Forged Passport at any station core on any regular space station to erase your criminal record.

The new Outlaws faction forms part of the Blighted Expedition. The Blight is a pirate group from the far edges of the galaxy who have entered known space to terrorise sentinels. Although the expedition is still not complete, once it is, you will be able to embark on a new narrative-driven campaign in which you search for a mysterious and valuable treasure.

There are also new missions that you can take on. These can be accessed via Outlaw-controlled systems. The Shroud of Freedom is a new item that can be unlocked and you will get new titles. You can even create a bounty hunter character outlaw space. This character offers a wide range of missions and high chances of success for those who are willing to take on dangerous adventures.

There will also be pirate battles on planets controlled by a sentinel. You can watch No Mans’s Sky’s outlaws descend upon the planet to cause havoc. There are dential defence systems that allow you to create new theatres for war.

No Mans Sky Wingmen feature

You can now recruit Wingmen for flying alongside you. These Wingmen will be of great assistance to you in space combat. They will be there to help you defeat any foe, sentinel fighters or outlaws. Ask any pilot who is roaming to recruit wingmen to join your squadron. Talk to pilots at any space station or visit the planetary trading post to find out who you meet. You should inspect their ship before you ask them. Then, recruit the best squadron possible.

You can manage and upgrade wingmen you recruit to your squadron. You can check their battle statistics, skills, and traits. Head to your capital ship and access the Manage Fleet Terminal. You can also use the extra fleet capacity to recruit additional pilots for your squadron via upgrades and training.

No Man’s Sky Space combat overhaul

The No Man’s Sky pirates’ and outlaws update also includes a huge space overhaul for ships. Ships now have better equipment to destroy shields and shatter hulls. This has resulted in a redesigned combat system. To ensure victory in space, those who wish to create squadrons need to consider the benefits and disadvantages of each squad.

A new atmosphere update will be necessary to make certain features of the Outlaw activity work. You can see freighters from the surface of the planet entering the atmosphere. Dogfights can also be held in space. It is up to you whether that be with Sentianl foes or Outlaws.

The visual effects of space-related ships are also much more attractive. New and improved explosions for fighters, cargoes, and trader ships are available. The game is also enhanced by better animations and effects when ships enter light speed.

Immersion is possible with better cloth physics and the addition of cloaks. You can now look like the Sentinel or Outlaw while looking at the part.

You can find a complete look at the No Mans Sky Outlaws or pirates patch notes on the NMS Patch Notes website.

No Mans Sky Outlaws updates add pirate missions to outlaw stations
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