This is where you’ll find all the information about League of Legends Patch 12.9.
LoL, patch 12.9 has been sent to the PBE for its usual two-week testing period. Its patch notes reveal its release time and the addition of skins from the EDG or High Noon lines.
Riot Games releases regular updates for its MOBA. This is why Riot Games’ patch schedule is important to keep track of the date and time of each update. LoL Patch 12.9 will be released on Wednesday, May 11. This is when all changes made during testing go live on the servers.
League of Legends Patch 12.9
The following 11 skins can be tried out on the PBE: EDG Aphelios (1350RP), EDG Graves (1350RP), EDG Zie (1350RP), EDG Yuumi (1350RP), EDG Zoe (1350RP), EDG Zoe (1350RP), High Noon Leona (1820RP), High Noon Mordekaiser (1820RP), High Noon Talon (1350RP), High Noon Talon Prestige Edition and High Noon Varus (1350RP), High Noon Talon Talon Prestige edition), High Noon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Prestige Edition), High Noon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talone Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Talon Präg Edition des RP
LoL 12.9 maintenance is announced closer to launch. It usually takes around 3 hours to deploy patches across different regions. You can check our League of Legends server-status article to stay informed about any downtime due to patch deployments or other reasons.
Taliyah is currently on track to get a mid-scope update from LoL Patch 12.9. This will include nerfs to burst and usability improvements and nerfs for damage. Unless plans change, Olaf will also receive a similar update.
In the first League of Legends patch 12.2, balance changes were spotted by Surrender at 20, target Pyke, and Sion.
LoL 12.9 Champion Balance Adjustments
Pyke – Nerfed
- Mana costs increased to 74/78/82/86/90, from 50/55/60/65/70
Sion – Nerfed
- Reduced Damage to Structures: Now Available at 50%
In the coming weeks, there will be more changes. This article will be updated as soon as new information is discovered. Make sure you check back often to stay up-to-date on any upcoming changes, buffs, or nerfs.