GTA Online Players Shocked by Repeated Heist Tequila Reward
You can continue working through the Cayo Perico Heist, which is one of the most popular ways to make money in GTA Online.
How can players afford to maintain their ever-expanding property collections or spend on a new chrome wrap on their favorite car?
Unfortunately, not all CayoPerico players are happy with the frequency atwhich they receive the most valuable prizes.
GTA Online Players Agonise Over Cayo Perico Tequila Reward
Reddit user cestanja posted that they had received the tequila. This is the least valuable reward anyone can get for replaying the heist three times.
Other players shared similar experiences and sympathized with onion_surfer14, who admitted that they had once seen the tequila reward nine times in succession. Another user surpassed this record with apparent 13-straight tequila theft.
User nhoj4321 shared the most tragic account: “I have done the heist like 100x, and 70 of them were that.”
Others weren’t so upset about not getting what you wanted. Pungent_Bill said that it was still good money for the investment, and another user added that they were happy with the tequila provided they got a few small rewards.
Sinlego shared their preference to seek a new session to avoid the tequila reward. However, other players suggested that this strategy is not worth the extra time.
Some players appear to have no problem getting the heist higher rewards regularly, with mentions of the more lucrative bearer bonds (which can earn $1,100,000.000 and $1.300,000.000 respectively) and the pink diamond (which can earn $1.300,000.000 each on normal difficulty), cropping up frequently in the thread.
User SuperCool_Saiyan, on the other hand, asked Rockstar to allow players to drink their Cayo Perico tequila and not sell it.
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