Cookie Run Kingdom: Moon Rabbit Cookie Toppings Build

Our Cookie Run Kingdom Toppers Build includes the most unique Moon Rabbit Cookie toppings. Continue reading for Moon Rabbit Cookie Build for Toppings!

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Moon Rabbit Cookie Toppings Build

Moon Rabbit Cookie build for toppings;

  • X5 Solid Almond Topping(Recommended)
  • X3 Swift Choco + X2 Solid Almond OR X3 Solid Almond + X2 Swift Chocolate 
  • X5 Swift Choco


In the Cookie Run Kingdom, the most unique Moon Rabbit Cookie Toppings construction set would be X5 Solid Almond toppings, which delivers higher DMG resistance to frontline positioned Moon Rabbit, enhancing survivability or DMG absorption stats.

A complete swift choro construction or a hybrid combo of Swift choco and Solid Almond would be an alternative. We recommend using the X5 Solid Almond Topping construction set for Moon Rabbit Cookie.


Moon Rabbit Cookie Toppings Build: Skill Info


Moon Rabbit morphs into a Giant Rice Cake Bunny and bounces up and down, giving DMG to all nonfriendly units, sometimes known as foes.

Nonfriendly units, aka opponents, will be marked with a Healing Rice Cake, and when the marked enemy is killed, the Healing Cake will restore the HP of all friendly units, aka friends.

The hit target will determine the quantity of healing. Moon Rabbit Cookie will be immune to interrupting effects while performing this ability.

  • 14-sec base CD
  • Single hit DMG: 127.9 % (+1.7% per level)
  • Self-healing: 160.0 % of ATK
  • Healing Cake: heals all allies if the target is defeated within 10.0 sec
  • Healing: 253.0% of ATK (if Healing Cake’s target is a Cookie)
  • Healing: 24.2% of ATK (if Healing Cake’s target is not a Cookie)


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