Arma 3 Mobile Game Full Version Download
ArmA III Rus. Rus. The beta version was released on March 5, the beta version on June 25, and the final release on Steam on 12 September 2013.
Another action game takes place on a huge island. This time, it is recreated using real Lemnos islands.
The future is 2035, and the time of action is now. The United States occupies the conflict with China in the Pacific Ocean, Turkey is affected by some natural disasters and Greece ends a decade-long civil war.
Corporal Ben Carey, a US Peacekeeping Officer on the Island Stratis helps peacekeepers to fold base.
They will discover at the start of an invasion connection as they smuggle army trucks along the coast of the attacking column.
Carrie, Sergeant Adams, and others attempt to return to the base. This is because they have become local government forces (AAF) enemies after being attacked.
They discover that the base has been destroyed and they contact the NATO soldiers who are still alive to help them find them.
Sergeant Adams is killed by a mine and Carrie follows the same path. The last NATO force on the island is found by him – approximately two dozen soldiers, under Captain Scott Miller at Maxwell.
Miller units then conduct a series of combat missions on the island. They are finally evacuated on water from Stratis. CSAT stands for the Iranian armed forces. They are allied with the local government. The corporal is unconscious when the Carrie boat attacks from the air.
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Arma 3 Mobile Game Full Version Download