Sonic Adventure HD remake project looks incredible.

Sonic Adventure HD remake project looks incredible.

Sonic Adventure HD remake project looks incredible.


Sonic Adventure stands the test of time; even though its soundtrack doesn’t quite reach the heights set forth by Sonic Adventure 2, its legacy remains undiminished on many platforms today and remains playable to this day. It is criminal that this classic remains virtually inaccessible today!

Sonic Adventure was initially released for Dreamcast back in 1998 and later brought over to GameCube and PC platforms in 2003 before receiving an HD remaster on Xbox 360 and PS3. Since 2010, however, Sonic Adventure had fallen into disuse… until now. Even though fans often consider Sonic Adventure one of the greatest Sonic games ever created – its PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version was often criticised due to a poor frame rate and overall out-dated feel – now one fan is taking upon themselves to recreate Sonic Adventure themselves faithfully and the results look absolutely phenomenal!




Last year we interviewed Sonic the Hedgehog himself! Seriously.

Sonic Adventure HD project is being undertaken by the team behind SonicRemasters Twitter account and promises “to faithfully recreate every texture from the game in HD”, all the while staying true to its style and feel. A sample video released by them showcases comparisons between original game and HD project side-by-side.

Changes are subtle. Fans will note smoother grass, stone and sea textures – something which was always desired from this project – instead of trying too hard to modernise or update its visuals with ultra HD effects. Fans have already witnessed its demo version now; others anticipate its full release with great anticipation!

One Twitter user said they thought everyone involved with the project did an “Outstanding job!”, while another expressed interest. Both versions will only be playable on PC systems.

Sonic Adventure HD remake project looks incredible.
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