Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Dhalsim Master Guide

Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Dhalsim Master Guide

Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Dhalsim Master Guide


Street Fighter 6’s master of Yoga may give an unrealistic impression; no one could gain flexible limbs and be able to breathe fire by simply stretching. Still, Dhalsim can still prove himself highly valuable as one of your masters in World Tour mode!

As one of the cornerstone characters in Street Fighter history and present-day, Dhalsim holds an essential place within Street Fighter 6. Here’s everything you need to know to master Dhalsim for Street Fighter 6.

After returning from Aircraft Carrier Byron Taylor in Chapter 9-2, you’ll encounter several subquests. One can be found in Bayside Park area of Metro City during daytime where Anik preaches fire-breathing yoga power that could unlock your own powers for only 7000 Zenny. Part with your cash and become one Rare Stone Statue richer!

Assuming you don’t already know this answer, Anik will try selling another stone statue before quickly realizing who he really is and handing you a plane ticket back home so you can experience real Yoga for yourself in India.

Once in India and nearly engaging an elephant in battle, you will meet Dhalsim before being given control over your character. Simply approach him with the intention to train with him – and he’ll accept you gladly as his student!

Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Dhalsim Master Guide
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