Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Kimberly Master Guide
Street Fighter and Final Fight became one in Street Fighter Alpha series and have always featured some form of Ninjitsu within its ranks – with Zeku and Guy employing Bushinryu, while Ibuki also employing their unique brand of Ninjitsu techniques in her playstyle. This tradition remains alive today!
Street Fighter 6 continues its legacy of champion ninjas with Kimberly leading them. Her unique blend of classic Bushinryu techniques with vibrant flourishes add a lively spirit that makes Kimberly an excellent candidate to train under in World Tour mode.
Chapter 8-6 tasks you with infiltrating the SiRN building on the construction site – similar to where you initially gained entry so as to speak to Ken – at nighttime, using an underpass near Ken’s location which is normally blocked off during daylight. Head back upstairs after climbing your way out from under, defeat Gus, who blocks bridge access over to other side – then return out through that section again on its return path at daybreak – all before going up those stairs again for victory against Gus.
Once you defeat Gus, step onto the bridge then drop down right hand side onto a new area. Circle around back up stairs until you find a generator you must activate by taking steps from another angle (circle left of stairs you came up). Backtrack where you jumped down then climb carefully over wooden planks before returning back where Gus was. Now step over the bridge.
Make your way past the crane and into the backroom; behind you should be a ladder leading upward. If you explored this construction site at night before Chapter 8-6 began, however, you might not have seen this ladder appear yet; once it does appear though, climb it and interact with its control panel to bring a shipping container towards you and complete its animation cycle until triggering Kimberly’s cutscene.
After our cutscene, it’s time to infiltrate SiRN building itself. Climb up its floors while defeating enemies as you go and following objectives the game gives us until eventually reaching a computer terminal where another cutscene and fight with Kimberly will begin – she may not be as tough compared to World Tour bosses but don’t take this lightly; be wary!
Once your match concludes, Kimberly will quickly vanish back into Metro City – leaving you to continue with the main storyline. Once your objectives have been fulfilled and escaped from SiRN building, however, and you return at night in Metro City you may encounter her once more on top of Police Station on same block where your hideout lies; to reach her take the ladder north west from hideout; climb first ladder then second smaller one until reaching Kimberly leaning against railing – converse with her, tell her you want some new moves then she might just become another master to teach!