Call Of Duty: Warzone 2.0 is rapidly nearing an end.
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 was initially received with great enthusiasm by fans; however, their opinions have quickly turned sour since its launch. According to one insider source, Warzone 2.0 may soon come to an end as we know it.
Warzone 2.0 initially received tremendous acclaim due to the inclusion of proximity chat; however, that alone wasn’t enough to sustain interest for months after launch. Call of Duty fans have since become discontent due to numerous disappointing updates such as poor footstep audio “in gaming history”, performance of servers and “shameless pay-to-win bundles”, with streamer Dr DisRespect openly criticising this game and seeing rapidly decreasing player bases that still draw considerable amounts in. One insider claimed recently that Warzone 2.0 may soon come to an end but will later return in another form with many aspects improved; one such insider claims this game will soon come full circle only this time round but will return stronger!
CharlieINTEL reported that Warzone 2.0 will shed its moniker when season four launches; rather, they plan on simply calling it Warzone instead of 2.0 as before. They tweeted out: “Crazy that, six months post launch, Activision are dropping 2.0 from Warzone altogether & calling it simply Warzone; should have always just been called Warzone from day 1. 2.0 added nothing!”
Warzone 2.0 fans tend to favor its original version more, however simply switching its name back won’t change its content significantly – season four should be revealed fully at tonight’s Summer Game Fest so soon enough we should know what other changes await us in Warzone 2.0.
Fans have an array of opinions. One Twitter user wrote, “2.0 was really stupid”, while someone else noted “2.0 hurt more than it helped”. One fan also posted, “More pointless changes; brave for doing just enough; let’s see how tonight’s reveal goes down!”