Red Dead Redemption 3 must take place during its most thrilling chapter of history: the Wild West. Fans agree on this point.

Red Dead Redemption 3 must take place during its most thrilling chapter of history: the Wild West. Fans agree on this point.

Red Dead Redemption 3 must take place during its most thrilling chapter of history: the Wild West. Fans agree on this point.


Rockstar Games fans’ attention has rightfully been focused on Grand Theft Auto VI; after all, this may well be one of the most-anticipated titles ever. When that reveal trailer finally drops though, many will also wonder about a potential Red Dead Redemption 3 appearance in future releases from Rockstar.

As Red Dead Redemption 2 remains one of the top titles, its successor seems like an obvious option for many gamers. Over the past two weeks alone, fans have made incredible modifications for Sadie Adler such as playable Sadie Adler mods, finding adorable open world events after 1,500 hours, adding iconic Red Dead Redemption locations through mods, discussing what a possible Sadie Adler DLC may entail, as well as discussing potential scenarios of how that DLC may come about – it never feels dull in Red Dead fan communities! These fans continue to imagine and discuss potential outcomes regarding Red Dead 3.

Fans agree on one point when discussing Red Dead Redemption III’s setting: the peak of the Wild West. Reddit user SadRerman asked fans what type of RDR3 game they envisioned: prequel or sequel set within an industrial timeline with characters such as Jack Marston or another survivor as options for RDR3.

Davin1985 proposed “a completely original story with some nods back to 1 and 2. I would prefer for it to take place during the West’s Golden Era rather than nearing its demise”, while hmmbugger wrote, “New characters set much earlier in time in its wilder days of Western America – more freedom with less law and order – no need for redemption arc anymore – happier grittier times from 1860s through mid 70s – no Van Der Linde Gang members (except as cameo cameo or occasional missions or cameo roles or cameo roles – we know their tale /story has concluded”)”.

NAVAJ45 suggested playing as Landon Ricketts is essential if the third installment takes place during its peak of Western history, being perhaps one of the best-known gunslingers from that era. Are you down with that idea? I think it would add something fresh and dynamic to this series.”

Red Dead Redemption 3 must take place during its most thrilling chapter of history: the Wild West. Fans agree on this point.
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