Fans seem divided on whether the cutscene graphics in Assassin's Creed Mirage should divide or unify fans' opinions.

Fans seem divided on whether the cutscene graphics in Assassin’s Creed Mirage should divide or unify fans’ opinions.

Fans seem divided on whether the cutscene graphics in Assassin’s Creed Mirage should divide or unify fans’ opinions.


Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077 both made debut appearances during Sunday’s Xbox Showcase event, sparking great enthusiasm among many gamers, but Assassin’s Creed fans had to wait longer before finally seeing what they desired.

Yesterday at Ubisoft Forward’s showcase event, these blade enthusiasts got an in-depth view of Assassin’s Creed Mirage gameplay; which will transport fans back in time to 9th century Baghdad when released this October.

Reddit users in Red robes seemed mostly content with what the reveal offered in terms of parkour and target elimination, yet one aspect seemed to leave some members divided within their community.

What did you think about Assassin’s Creed Mirage’s graphics at Ubisoft Froward showcase?
Assasin’s Creed veteran slayers shared their opinions in a thread created on subreddit r/AssassinsCreed started by user riverkarma69420 who queried: “How come Mirage cutscenes look worse than games from 2014?”

While they found the gameplay portions to look just fine in their estimation, they noted that “goofy” facial animations and poor lighting caused dialogue exchanges to look less refined compared to previous titles in the series, specifically Unity and Syndicate.

Fans appeared to agree, with user Careless_Bid1602 suggesting: “[They need to invest] more in mo-cap technology because the animations look robotic; this needs to change.”

User doc_55lk theorised that nothing released since Unity by Ubisoft had looked as impressive; Ubisoft may want to avoid pushing the graphic capabilities of new consoles too much as their attempt at doing that with Unity ended up becoming an unstable mess that took them some time to fix.”

No doubt many fans were disappointed to see some cutscenes and graphics not present in Assassin’s Creed 2, however; nevertheless this and another thread contained numerous fans who didn’t seem bothered by any changes shown during gameplay reveal; with user KeybladeCoaster going so far as stating: “I wouldn’t care if AC2 had its graphics or mechanics; those are what hooked me. I wouldn’t hesitate for one moment.”

No matter how excited you may be to explore Middle Eastern rooftops later this year, make sure you follow us for guides to Mirage as well as AC-themed mods which may provide some relief until it arrives.

Fans seem divided on whether the cutscene graphics in Assassin’s Creed Mirage should divide or unify fans’ opinions.
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