Our PS2/GameCube/Xbox generation has now passed two decades, making us feel ancient.

Our PS2/GameCube/Xbox generation has now passed two decades, making us feel ancient.

Our PS2/GameCube/Xbox generation has now passed two decades, making us feel ancient.


Imagine this. It’s 2002. A Saturday morning finds you sitting comfortably on your floor right in front of the television playing Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex on PlayStation2. Your friends will soon come over for some hang out time and pizza consumption; life seems good indeed!

Reader, I hate to tell you this but that was 21 years ago! A full two decades have gone by since we could lose ourselves in our favorite videogames without worry or care in the world. Now we are getting older; my bones feel old.

Redditors on Reddit have recently come to terms with an unexpected reality after user TheUndeadGunslinger provided us all with a reminder: “Just wanted to send out a friendly reminder about how sixth gen consoles have now become retro.

“Sixth Generation” in gaming refers to an era that saw Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube, and original Xbox released; four iconic consoles which together defined and defined an entire generation. As this original Reddit poster showed us all too clearly.

“The sixth gen was truly special as each console offered something distinct from its competitors – giving players legitimate reasons to invest,” TheUndeadGunslinger remarked. GameCube boasted of fantastic first party titles while Xbox was impressive both physically and in terms of power consumption, Dreamcast could act like having an arcade machine right inside your living room (I still own my copy of House of the Dead with its light gun!) while PS2 held great third-party support compared to any console.”

Understandably, people seem disbelief that such an era existed so long ago: thetavious said she didn’t need any reminders that these times existed 20 years ago! “That nonsense needs to go somewhere else!” The PS2 launched yesterday for $5 a share at McDonald’s; I don’t feel old yet!” ChulaK wrote that 20 years ago would always be considered part of “The 80s”, while radarradish321 described his reminder as being unpleasant:

Just to complicate matters further, all three systems – PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii – were released approximately 15 years ago, rendering them retro too. Sorry about that!

Our PS2/GameCube/Xbox generation has now passed two decades, making us feel ancient.
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