Hearthstone Classic will soon be upgraded with an all new mode.

Hearthstone Classic will soon be upgraded with an all new mode.

Hearthstone Classic will soon be upgraded with an all new mode.


Games from Blizzard may currently have their fans hooked with Diablo 4, offering plenty of challenging quests and difficult battles, yet many will no doubt return to Hearthstone once their journey in Hell is done.

No matter which cards have become staples of your deck from its inception, switching things up every now and then to create something with various strengths and weaknesses is always welcome.

Expansions provide an ideal way of changing how we play, forcing you to think differently while forcing new elements of gameplay upon us; one upcoming expansion promises exactly this experience.

Though currently the game offers four distinct modes – Classic, Standard, Wild and Casual – an update could alter this configuration by replacing one with another entirely.

Named Twist mode, this mode will replace Classic mode in the game and offer “different game formats that rotate seasonally [that could sometimes even be off].” According to game’s developers, Twist may sometimes even offer unique experiences for its players!

Twist’s format may change at random intervals between one month to a year after its last update, giving you another reason to visit regularly and keep checking it.

Whatever its current appearance may be, Blizzard claims that over time this mode will provide “occasionally new rule sets or formats which provide gameplay updates for ranked players as well as new ways of using wild cards”.

Still, fans of classic mode or those looking for some nostalgic gaming sessions with friends still have time as it remains unknown when Twist mode will appear in-game.

As Hearthstone nears release, start crafting the ideal deck now and keep an eye out for an interview with Matt London and Chadd Nervig, two Lead Designers behind Hearthstone that will appear here shortly!

Hearthstone Classic will soon be upgraded with an all new mode.
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