Apex Legends Sun Squad Guide - How to Earn Event Points

Apex Legends Sun Squad Guide – How to Earn Event Points

Apex Legends Sun Squad Guide – How to Earn Event Points


Apex Legends’ Midway point event “Sun Squad,” designed for maximum relaxation on beach days with your friends is here, giving players time to unwind while building friendships among legends. But Sun Squad offers more than just fun; players will also gain access to new game mode, cosmetics and an heirloom called Ash’s Strongest Link which features electrified nunchucks! Additionally there will also be rewards that players can unlock free just from playing; here’s how:

In order to acquire points during Apex Legends’ Sun Squad Event, complete Daily Event Challenges found within the Challenge Menu each day and daily updates that offer you more tasks for you to accomplish – these challenges typically consist of getting into the Top 10 four times or dealing damage; some also may tie back in with limited-time mode “Heatwave.”

Your performance on each challenge you complete will earn 200 Points; by completing every single one – including additional ones – every day you could accumulate 1,600. In total you need 5000 points (25 challenges without additional damage ones completed to reach this total amount this season) in order to earn everything. There’s also the possibility that Heatwave-themed challenges might appear!

Apex Legends Sun Squad Points can be purchased using Apex Legends Points

Remember, however, that Sun Squad points cannot be earned through normal means like getting kills or winning games of Apex Legends; rather they must be earned through finishing Sun Squad event challenges every time you log on – these challenges offer free items such as Ash’s Heirloom as well as beach themed skins; purchasing one outright costs approximately $160 dollars without its accompanying Shards.

Apex Legends Sun Squad event is now live across all available platforms.

Apex Legends Sun Squad Guide – How to Earn Event Points
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