Consumers believe it is time for publishers to stop announcing games with dates years away from release, according to gamers.

Consumers believe it is time for publishers to stop announcing games with dates years away from release, according to gamers.

Consumers believe it is time for publishers to stop announcing games with dates years away from release, according to gamers.


Gamers have strongly called on developers to end the practice of releasing news of games years prior to release dates.

As is often the case when new games are announced only to have release dates two or three years later than promised, this situation has only worsened lately – Elder Scrolls VI being an obvious prime example, having only seen brief teases released back in 2018 before going completely silent again since.

Once the excitement subsides, all that remains is an exceptionally long wait time and an occasional update regarding development of your favorite title.

Gamers have had enough, calling on developers to stop announcing games so far ahead of their release dates.

Reddit thread with nearly 2000 upvotes issued an impassioned plea, reading: “Can games companies please stop releasing trailers/teaser trailers that preview games that won’t release for years?”

Although new releases require time for planning, development and bug-fixing purposes, the wait times for some titles is becoming excessively long. Take Grand Theft Auto VI as an example – which has apparently been in development for quite some time but doesn’t even have a trailer released – leaving gamers fearing death before its official release date arrives.

Many commenters agreed with this post and its sentiment, although many took issue less with development times for games but more with how much time is lost between announcement and launch of these titles.

“I don’t mind short announcements to let people know the project is in development, even at its early stages; or as another user pointed out, to attract investors or developers; but in some instances this announcement goes too far; Elder Scrolls 6 announcement date being five years ago being just ridiculous!”

As has been noted by others, player hype isn’t solely the problem in game industry – my issue lies more with their announcement and subsequent radio silence for years – during this time everyone builds expectations about what the game might entail before only nearer to release do they finally reveal details and cause considerable disappointment.”

“‘Beyond Good and Evil 2’ has now been in development for fifteen years with no signs it is set for production any time soon if ever. A child born when its initial trailer premiered is likely an adult by the time production begins (if at all).”

At times it may seem aggravating, yet this trend in gaming industry will probably never change. Many commenters pointed out that reveal trailers aim to attract investors as well as new developers; not simply be used as marketing tool for consumer audiences.

Consumers believe it is time for publishers to stop announcing games with dates years away from release, according to gamers.
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