YouTuber scores unlimited money via Steam exploit; earns free games.
Steam stands out as one of the more generous digital game storefronts on offer today, providing ample amounts of free games along with substantial discounts – not forgetting its effective refund system that comes into effect regularly.
Steam’s policy states that, for full PC games, users may request a refund within two weeks and two hours of owning and playing it – this means if you buy something only to find that it does not meet expectations, or doesn’t run smoothly, this offer gives a great option to get their money back if necessary!
RetroResolve reports that one YouTuber claims they’ve discovered an exploit to earn “infinite free games” during Steam Summer Sale. Before we delve further, let me emphasize just how dangerous trying this at home would be; Steam states in their refund policy: “Our refund policies exist solely to eliminate risks from purchasing titles on Steam; refunds shouldn’t be seen as a way of earning free games; abuse will result in our stopping offering them altogether”. Therefore, please do not consider this method repeatable, reliable or repeatable as there’s an excellent possibility it might costing you dearly instead. Okay? Good enough
YouTuber The Spiffing Brit recently uploaded a video demonstrating his strategy for earning some steam wallet funds by collecting and selling trading cards currently being given out during Steam Summer Sale. Users who spend $10 (roughly PS7.88) or more will get one Summer In The City digital trading card to sell on Community Market at 3p/4C each for sale; over time this adds up and could provide enough funds to purchase whatever games one desires!
And we all know where this is heading… In the video, The Spiffing Brit took advantage of this mechanic by purchasing hundreds of games at once and selling all trading cards he obtained as trading card sales income before refunding these games – leaving his bank account intact without incurring the costs for multiple purchases of games over hundreds of pounds’ worth.
At home, however, this activity should be undertaken with caution – Steam may detect such activities and block any attempts as refunds should never be used as a means to score free games.