Apex Legends Class Guide – What Are Their Advantages

Apex Legends Class Guide – What Are Their Advantages

Season 16 of Apex Legends is right around the corner and promises some significant modifications to its mechanics. As its first season without new legends to launch, Season 16 aims at rebalancing and improving player experiences while simultaneously adding Team Deathmatch mode – and potentially changing up meta. Season 16 introduces class system which could potentially shake things up further; rather than simply shuffling legends into different groups they now all possess unique class abilities to consider!

Apex Legends Class Perks
Assault Class

Legends in this class include Ash, Bangalore, Fuse, Mad Maggie and Revenant. Ash can open new red Supply Bins similar to Lifeline; these bins contain valuable attachments for weapons – making these heroes quite valuable – while additionally any Assault Legend may carry an extra stack of ammo per inventory slot for their weapons if available.

Apex Legends’ class system continues its expansion with the Skirmisher. This archetype comprises Horizon, Mirage, Octane, Pathfinder, Valkeryie and Wraith legends who represent this archetype. Skirmishers specialize in getting into and out of combat quickly while using movement abilities effectively or helping their teammates rotate to new locations quickly. Their class perk enables them to see any rarest item inside of a Care Package: an icon will appear on your HUD showing an image depicting weapon or armor piece inside. They will also receive notification whenever an item from any care package is opened – another perk!

Recon Class

Next is Recon, featuring Bloodhound, Crypto, Seer and Vantage–characters the community never complains about! One major change from previous classes: Recon legends can no longer scan beacons to reveal new rings; instead hitting any survey beacon will temporarily reveal all enemies for short amounts of time – similar to King’s Canyon Map Room but without alerting all your foes around you that you are searching.


In terms of Support characters, characters such as Gibraltar, Lifeline, Loba and Newcastle standout among their team as the anchors tasked with aiding other legends. Not only can Support heroes open blue Supply Bins containing high-tier medical items for teammates in need but Support legends can also craft Banner Cards of fallen teammate that can bring back teammates no matter if expired or still recoverable; Support legends have no trouble crafting and using banners to bring fallen teammates back from beyond!

Controller was our final class, previously serving as defensive legends. They specialize in locking down locations or structures to slow down aggressive teams – such as Catalyst, Caustic, Rampart and Wattson are examples. What really sets Controllers apart though is their class perk – interaction with Ring Consoles on the map will reveal where next rings will appear for their team; Recon characters like Seer or Bloodhound no longer reveal these positions independently!

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