Auto Rifles Are Feeling Great Again in Destiny 2
At launch of Destiny 2 Lightfall, many primary weapons seemed undertuned and submachine guns seemed the only ones capable of dealing any significant damage against enemies in PVE activities – leading to submachine guns becoming the go-to choice in Destiny PVE activities. Now with the midseason patch’s roll out however, more weapons feel usable; auto rifles once more form part of PVE activities for an exciting change for players who had only relied on IKELOS SMGs, Osteo Strigas or Immortal all season.
Which auto rifles should you opt for in Destiny 2 PVE? Here is our comprehensive list of top 10 Destiny 2 PVE auto rifles; for quick suggestions here are some ideas:
Perpetualis – After finally crafting one a few weeks back, we found great satisfaction crafting one with Target Lock and Envious Assassin features. Additionally, its Origin Trait gives a substantial increase to reload speed when giving teammates buffs or buffs of any sort.
Rufus’ Fury — We can’t be sure this auto rifle even exists yet as we have yet to encounter it in Root of Nightmares raid. However, people who own one seem to love it; Quicksilver Storm may be fantastic but takes up one Exotic slot; with Rufus’ Fury you have more room in which you can utilize heavy or special Exotic weapons as well.
Gnawing Hunger — Gnawing Hunger has always been one of my go-to characters; even without an Origin Trait it makes an excellent selection this season due to its ease in earning Volatile Rounds thanks to seasonal artifacts. Its versatility continues to draw players in.
Scathelocke–Osmosis makes Scathelocke an extremely flexible weapon; if this perk has never been tried out before, now may be the time!
Herod-C – Demolitionist on this board can make Stasis builds easier while it also can run Headstone.
Are any auto rifles exciting you now that they have been upgraded in Destiny 2? Share with us in the comments below.